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Classpath and class loader tools.

Classpath and class loader tools.
raw docstring


(add-classpath jar-or-dir)
(add-classpath jar-or-dir classloader)

A corollary to the deprecated add-classpath in clojure.core.

Attempt to add jar-or-dir, a string or, to classloader.

When classloader is not provided, searches for a modifiable classloader rooted at the current thread's context classloader.

A corollary to the deprecated `add-classpath` in `clojure.core`.

Attempt to add `jar-or-dir`, a string or ``, to `classloader`.

When `classloader` is not provided, searches for a modifiable classloader rooted at the current thread's context classloader.
sourceraw docstring


(add-dependencies & kwargs)

Resolves dependency :coordinates against Maven :repositories, then adds all the resulting artifacts (jar files) to the current runtime via add-classpath:

(add-dependencies :classloader your-classloader
                  :coordinates '[[incanter "1.9.2"]]
                  :repositories (merge cemerick.pomegranate.aether/maven-central
                                       {"clojars" ""}))

kwarg options:

Returns the dependency graph from cemerick.pomegranate.aether/resolve-dependencies.

Resolves dependency `:coordinates` against Maven `:repositories`, then adds all
the resulting artifacts (jar files) to the current runtime via [[add-classpath]]:

(add-dependencies :classloader your-classloader
                  :coordinates '[[incanter "1.9.2"]]
                  :repositories (merge cemerick.pomegranate.aether/maven-central
                                       {"clojars" ""}))

kwarg options:
- `:classloader` - (optional, defaults to closest modifiable classloader in current thread's
hierarchy as per [[add-classpath]])
- Otherwise, kwargs are the same as [[cemerick.pomegranate.aether/resolve-dependencies]]

Returns the dependency graph from [[cemerick.pomegranate.aether/resolve-dependencies]].
sourceraw docstring


(classloader-hierarchy tip)

Returns a seq of class loaders, with the tip of the hierarchy first. The tip defaults to the current thread context class loader.

Returns a seq of class loaders, with the `tip` of the hierarchy first.
The `tip` defaults to the current thread context class loader.
sourceraw docstring


(classloader-resources resource-name)
(classloader-resources classloaders resource-name)

Returns a sequence of [java.lang.ClassLoader [ ...]] pairs for all found resource-names on the classpath of each classloader.

If no classloaders are given, uses the classloader-hierarchy. In this case, the first URL will in most circumstances match what what returns.

Returns a sequence of `[java.lang.ClassLoader [ ...]]` pairs
for all found `resource-name`s on the classpath of each classloader.

If no `classloaders` are given, uses the [[classloader-hierarchy]].
In this case, the first URL will in most circumstances match what
what `` returns.
sourceraw docstring


(get-classpath classloaders)

⚠️ for JDK 9+ returns an empty sequence.

Returns the effective classpath (i.e. not the value of (System/getProperty "java.class.path") as a seq of URL strings.

Produces the classpath from all classloaders by default, or from a collection of classloaders if provided. This allows you to easily look at subsets of the current classloader hierarchy, e.g.:

(get-classpath (drop 2 (classloader-hierarchy)))
⚠️  for JDK 9+ returns an empty sequence.

Returns the effective classpath (i.e. _not_ the value of
 `(System/getProperty "java.class.path")` as a seq of URL strings.

 Produces the classpath from all classloaders by default, or from a
 collection of `classloaders` if provided.  This allows you to easily look
 at subsets of the current classloader hierarchy, e.g.:

 (get-classpath (drop 2 (classloader-hierarchy)))
sourceraw docstring


(modifiable-classloader? cl)

Returns true iff the given ClassLoader is of a type that satisfies the dynapath.dynamic-classpath/DynamicClasspath protocol, and can be modified.

Returns `true` iff the given `ClassLoader` is of a type that satisfies
the `dynapath.dynamic-classpath/DynamicClasspath` protocol, and can
be modified.
sourceraw docstring


(resources resource-name)
(resources classloaders resource-name)

Returns a sequence of on the effective classpath for specified specified resource-name. This can be useful for finding name collisions among items on the classpath. In most circumstances, the first of the returned sequence will be the same as what returns.

Returns a sequence of ``s on the effective classpath for specified specified `resource-name`.
This can be useful for finding name collisions among items on the classpath. In most
circumstances, the first of the returned sequence will be the same
as what `` returns.
sourceraw docstring

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