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A release with known breaking changes is marked with:

  • [breaking] you probably need to change your code

  • [minor breaking] you likely don’t need to change your code

v1.2.23 - 2023-02-13

  • Bump stale deps, some of which had vulnerabilities (#134) (@lread)

  • Don’t accept empty but truthy :repositories (#133) (@vemv)

  • General quality

    • Review and update docs and docstrings. (#149) (#153) (@lread)

    • Update automated testing to cover Linux, Windows, current JDKs, and Clojure v1.4+ (#137) (@lread)

    • Add automated check for vulnerabilities in dependencies (#135) (@lread)

    • Address all reflection warnings (#131) (@vemv)

    • Add automated clj-kondo linting (#139) (@lread)

    • Add automated release workflow (#138) (@lread)

    • Dependencies now specified only once (#136) (@lread)

    • Review and update classpath related tests (#154) (@lread)

v1.2.1 - 2021-04-12

  • Upgrade wagon libs from 3.2.2 -> 3.3.4

v1.2.0 - 2020-01-10

  • Bump deps

  • Add deps.edn (@slipset)

  • Configure session to download signature checksums by default (#113) (@glts)

  • Prep for first release from clj-commons (@slipset)

    • Change deploy coordinates from cemerick to clj-commons

    • Change deploy destination from Maven Central to Clojars

    • Switch from Travis CI to CircleCI for tests

v1.1.1 - 2020-01-10

  • Bad release, replaced by v1.2.0

v1.1.0 - 2018-10-02

  • Upgrade Maven Resolver dependencies (gh-103)

v1.0.0 [breaking] - 2017-11-03

  • Ensure JDK 9 compatibility via dynapath 1.0.0. A non-trivial breaking change. Change is to avoid JDK 9’s warnings re: reflective calls into non-public methods, etc. This means URLClassLoaders are no longer modifiable by default. (gh-92)

v0.4.0 [minor breaking] - 2017-08-25

  • Potentially breaking: Non-TLS HTTP repositories are unsupported; using a "bare" HTTP repository now requires registering a "wagon" for the insecure transport method (gh-83)

  • Switched/upgraded from Sonatype Aether to Maven-resolver (gh-80)

  • Upgraded to Maven 3.5.0 (gh-83)

  • add-dependencies now allows you to specify which ClassLoader to modify (gh-63)

  • Repository names can now be any Named value (strings, keywords, or symbols) (gh-84)

  • Some previously-internal functions are now marked as public: merge-versions-from-managed-coords (gh-74), and dependency and make-repository (gh-69)

v0.3.1 - 2016-03-22

  • Add support for "managed" dependencies in resolve-dependencies (gh-72)

v0.3.0 - 2014-02-17

  • Added cemerick.pomegranate.aether/resolve-artifacts, which allows for the resolution of a sequence of artifacts, without doing transitive resolution on their dependencies. (gh-57)

  • Provide an error if a registered wagon factory fails to instantiate (gh-58)

v0.2.0 [minor breaking] - 2013-03-18

_This release contains breaking changes from 0.1.3, though it’s expected that the affected APIs are rarely used.

Dynamic classpath support (cemerick.pomegranate)

  • The URLClasspath protocol has been removed in favor of using dynapath's DynamicClasspath protocol. (gh-43) breaking change

  • classloader-hierarchy now starts at the current thread context classloader instead of Clojure’s "baseLoader". breaking change

  • New resources and classloader-resources fns for determining from which classloader(s) a given resource is available (gh-48)

Aether API (cemerick.pomegranate.aether and friends)

  • install-artifacts and deploy-artifacts are now generalized to operate over multiple files (vs. the prior assumptions re: an artifact + a POM) (gh-52)

  • resolve-dependencies* now available that returns the bare Aether results of dependency resolution, sans Clojure-friendly graphification (gh-50)

  • resolve-dependencies, install-artifacts, and deploy-artifacts now accept an optional :repository-session-fn to potentially modify the Aether RespositorySystemSession prior to its use (gh-56)

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