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The client namespace is the main entry point for the library and allows creation of a RavenDB client using the client function.

The API documentation is available here.

The client namespace is the main entry point for the library
and allows creation of a RavenDB client using the `client` function.

The API documentation is available [here](
raw docstring


(bulk-operations! {:keys [bulk-operations!] :as client} & args)

Handles a given set of bulk operations that correspond to RavenDB batch req.

Invoke using the following:

(bulk-operations! client [{:method "DELETE" :id "Key1"} {:method "PUT" :document {} :id "Key2" :metadata {}}] options)

Optionally takes a map of options.

:request-builder is a custom request builder fn.

:response-parser is a customer response parser fn.

Handles a given set of bulk operations that
correspond to RavenDB batch req.

Invoke using the following:

`(bulk-operations! client [{:method "DELETE" :id "Key1"} {:method "PUT" :document {} :id "Key2" :metadata {}}] options)`

Optionally takes a map of options.

`:request-builder` is a custom request builder fn.

`:response-parser` is a customer response parser fn.
sourceraw docstring


(client url database)
(client url database {:keys [caching] :as options :or {caching :none}})

Gets a client for a RavenDB endpoint at the given url and database.

Optionally takes a map of options.

:replicated? is used to find replicated endpoints

:master-only-writes? is used to indicate that write operations only go to the master

:caching? is used to indicate if documents should be cached locally

:enable-oauth? is used to enable oauth with RavenDB

:oauth-url is the oauth url to use

:oauth-expiry-seconds is the number of seconds to use an oauth token before requesting a new one

:api-key the api key to use for oauth autentication

:ssl-insecure? use insecure underlying http requests

Gets a client for a RavenDB endpoint at the
given url and database.

Optionally takes a map of options.

`:replicated?` is used to find replicated endpoints

`:master-only-writes?` is used to indicate that write operations only go to the master

`:caching?` is used to indicate if documents should be cached locally

`:enable-oauth?` is used to enable oauth with RavenDB

`:oauth-url` is the oauth url to use

`:oauth-expiry-seconds` is the number of seconds to use an oauth token before requesting a new one

`:api-key` the api key to use for oauth autentication

`:ssl-insecure?` use insecure underlying http requests
sourceraw docstring


(delete-index! {:keys [delete-index!] :as client} & args)

Deletes an index matching the index-name.

Invoke using the following:

(delete-index! client "MyIndexName")

Optionally takes a map of options.

:request-builder is a custom request builder fn.

:response-parser is a customer response parser fn.

Deletes an index matching the index-name.

Invoke using the following:

`(delete-index! client "MyIndexName")`

Optionally takes a map of options.

`:request-builder` is a custom request builder fn.

`:response-parser` is a customer response parser fn.
sourceraw docstring


(load-documents {:keys [load-documents] :as client} & args)

Loads a collection of documents represented by the given document ids.

Invoke using the following:

(load-document client ["docId1" "docId2"] options)

Optionally takes a map of options.

:request-builder is a custom request builder fn.

:response-parser is a customer response parser fn.

Loads a collection of documents represented
by the given document ids.

Invoke using the following:

`(load-document client ["docId1" "docId2"] options)`

Optionally takes a map of options.

`:request-builder` is a custom request builder fn.

`:response-parser` is a customer response parser fn.
sourceraw docstring


(put-document! {:keys [put-document!] :as client} & args)

Creates or updates a document by its id where 'document' is a map.

Invoke using the following:

(put-document! client "MyDocId" {})

Optionally takes a map of options.

:request-builder is a custom request builder fn.

:response-parser is a customer response parser fn.

Creates or updates a document by its id where 'document'
is a map.

Invoke using the following:

`(put-document! client "MyDocId" {})`

Optionally takes a map of options.

`:request-builder` is a custom request builder fn.

`:response-parser` is a customer response parser fn.
sourceraw docstring


(put-index! {:keys [put-index!] :as client} & args)

Creates or updates an index, where an index takes the form:

(let [idx {:index index-name :where [[:== :field "value"]] :select [:field]}])

Invoke using the following:

(put-index! client idx options)

Optionally takes a map of options.

:request-builder is a custom request builder fn.

:response-parser is a customer response parser fn.

Creates or updates an index, where an index takes
the form:

`(let [idx {:index index-name
           :where [[:== :field "value"]]
           :select [:field]}])`

Invoke using the following:

`(put-index! client idx options)`

Optionally takes a map of options.

`:request-builder` is a custom request builder fn.

`:response-parser` is a customer response parser fn.
sourceraw docstring


(query-index {:keys [query-index] :as client} & args)

Query an index, where the 'query' takes the form: (let [qry {:index index-name :x 1 :y 2}])

Invoke using the following:

(query-index client qry options)

Optionally takes a map of options.

:max-attempts is the maximum number of times to try and hit a non stale index.

:wait is the time interval to wait before trying to hit a non stale index.

:request-builder is a custom request builder fn.

:response-parser is a customer response parser fn.

Query an index, where the 'query' takes the form:
`(let [qry {:index index-name
           :x 1
           :y 2}])`

Invoke using the following:

`(query-index client qry options)`

Optionally takes a map of options.

`:max-attempts` is the maximum number of times to try
and hit a non stale index.

`:wait` is the time interval to wait before trying to
hit a non stale index.

`:request-builder` is a custom request builder fn.

`:response-parser` is a customer response parser fn.
sourceraw docstring


(stats {:keys [stats] :as client} & args)

Queries the stats RavenDB endpoint in order to provide performance statistics at the database level.

Optionally takes a map of options.

:request-builder is a custom request builder fn.

:response-parser is a customer response parser fn.

Queries the stats RavenDB endpoint
in order to provide performance statistics at
the database level.

Optionally takes a map of options.

`:request-builder` is a custom request builder fn.

`:response-parser` is a customer response parser fn.
sourceraw docstring


(user-info {:keys [user-info] :as client} & args)

Queries the debug/user-info RavenDB endpoint in order to provide debug information about the current authenticated (or not) user.

Optionally takes a map of options.

:request-builder is a custom request builder fn.

:response-parser is a customer response parser fn.

Queries the debug/user-info RavenDB endpoint
in order to provide debug information about
the current authenticated (or not) user.

Optionally takes a map of options.

`:request-builder` is a custom request builder fn.

`:response-parser` is a customer response parser fn.
sourceraw docstring


(watch-documents {:keys [watch-documents] :as client} & args)

Watch a collections of documents for changes and place the changed document(s) on a channel when there are differences.

Invoke using the following:

(watch-documents client ["doc1" "doc2"])

Options is a map and can contain,

:wait - milliseconds to wait between watch calls.

Watch a collections of documents for changes
and place the changed document(s) on a channel
when there are differences.

Invoke using the following:

`(watch-documents client ["doc1" "doc2"])`

Options is a map and can contain,

`:wait` - milliseconds to wait between watch calls.
sourceraw docstring


(watch-index {:keys [watch-index] :as client} & args)

Watch the results of an index query for changes and place the changed result(s) on a channel when there are differences.

Invoke using the following:

(let [qry {:index index-name :x 1 :y 2}] (watch-index client qry))

Options is a map and can contain,

:wait - milliseconds to wait between watch calls.

Watch the results of an index query for changes
and place the changed result(s) on a channel
when there are differences.

Invoke using the following:

`(let [qry {:index index-name
           :x 1
           :y 2}]
   (watch-index client qry))`

Options is a map and can contain,

`:wait` - milliseconds to wait between watch calls.
sourceraw docstring

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