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Wait strategies

Testcontainers provides a set of wait strategies which help us determine if and when a container is ready to accept requests. Wait strategies are defined for the :wait-for key in the container configuration with the key :wait-strategy determining which strategy to select. The start! function will block until the container is ready and continue processing afterwards.

HTTP Wait Strategy

The HTTP wait strategy will perform an HTTP call according to the following configuration and only continue if the criteria is met.

pathStringThe HTTP path to access
portintThe HTTP port to access
methodStringThe HTTP method to use (get, post, put...)
status-codesseq of intThe status codes which mark a successful request
tlsbooleanShould TLS be used?
allow-insecurebooleanShould insecure HTTP endpoints be trusted?
read-timeoutlongThe duration in seconds the HTTP may take
basic-credentialsMap{:username "User" :password "Password"}
headersMapHTTP Headers, e.g. {"Accept" "application/json"}
startup-timeoutlongThe duration in seconds the container may take to start


(tc/create {:image-name    "alpine:3.5"
            :command       ["/bin/sh"
                            "while true ; do printf 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\\n\\nyay' | nc -l -p 8080; done"]
            :exposed-ports [8080]
            :wait-for      {:wait-strategy   :http
                            :path            "/"
                            :port            8080
                            :method          "GET"
                            :status-codes    [200]
                            :tls             false
                            :read-timout     5
                            :headers         {"Accept" "text/plain"}
                            :startup-timeout 20}})

Health Wait Strategy

The Health Wait Strategy uses a health check defined in the Dockerfile to determine if the container is ready.

startup-timeoutlongThe duration in seconds the container may take to start
(tc/create {:image-name    "alpine:3.5"
            :exposed-ports [8080]
            :wait-for      {:wait-strategy   :health
                            :startup-timeout 20}})

Log Wait Strategy

The Log Wait Strategy waits until a certain phrase appears in the Docker containers' log.

messageStringA substring of an expected line in the containers log
timesintThe number of times the predicate has to match
startup-timeoutlongThe duration in seconds the container may take to start
(tc/create {:image-name    "postgres:12.2"
            :exposed-ports [5432]
            :env-vars      {"POSTGRES_PASSWORD" "pw"}
            :wait-for      {:wait-strategy   :log
                            :message         "accept connections"
                            :startup-timeout 10}})

Port Wait Strategy

This strategy is the default selcted by Testcontainers if no wait strategy was defined. It waits for the first port in the containers port mapping to be opened. It does not accept any parameters beside the startup-timeout

startup-timeoutlongThe duration in seconds the container may take to start
(tc/create {:image-name    "postgres:12.2"
            :exposed-ports [5432]
            :env-vars      {"POSTGRES_PASSWORD" "pw"}
            :wait-for      {:wait-strategy :port}})

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