The cljss library help you generate CSS rules using Clojure code, with support for:
(def css-vars
{:font-title "'Palatino Linotype','Book Antiqua',Palatino,FreeSerif,serif"
:font-main "Verdana, Arial"
:color-main "#404a3e"})
(def sample-style
(css css-vars
;; tags
[:body :font-family :$font-main]
;; ids
[:#wrapper :background-color :$color-main
:border "solid 5px $color-main"
:margin "0 5%"]
[(each :#header :#content :#footer) :padding :1em]
[(each :#header :#footer) :color :white]
[:#content :background-color :#eee
:border-radius :1em
:clear :both
:color :$color-main]
;; links
[:a :color :#69a :text-decoration :none]
[:a:hover :color :#8aa :text-decoration :underline]
[:a:visited :color :#479]
;; header
[:h1 :font-family :$font-title
:font-style :italic
:font-size :4em]
[:ul :display :inline
:float :right
:list-style :none
:padding 0
[:li :display :inline
:margin "0 0.5em"]]]
[($ :#header :ul :li)
[(each :a :a.visited) :border-radius :0.5em
:background-color :#243
:color :#fa0
:padding "0.5em 1.5em"]
[:a:hover :background-color :#687
:text-decoration :none]]
;; footer
[($ :#footer :p) :font-size :0.7em]))
cljss is available through Clojars.
For the latest release, in Cake/Leiningen:
[cljss "0.1.1"]
in Maven:
Copyright (C) 2010 Nicolas Buduroi. All rights reserved
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. See the file epl-v10.html in the project root directory.
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