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Functions that operate on Clojure maps.

Functions that operate on Clojure maps.
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(assoc-in-if-present m path f)

Assocs f into m only if the path presents in m

Assocs f into m only if the path presents in m
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(assoc-thunk-result-if-not-present m k thunk)
(assoc-thunk-result-if-not-present m k thunk & kvs)

Like assoc, except only adds the key-value pair if the key doesn't exist in the map

Like assoc, except only adds the key-value pair if the key doesn't exist in
the map
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(contains-path? m path)

Whether the specified path exists in the map

Whether the specified path exists in the map
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(copy-key m from-k to-k)


(deep-merge-with f & maps)

Like merge-with, but merges maps recursively, applying the given fn only when there's a non-map at a particular level.

(deep-merge-with + {:a {:b {:c 1 :d {:x 1 :y 2}} :e 3} :f 4} {:a {:b {:c 2 :d {:z 9} :z 3} :e 100}}) -> {:a {:b {:z 3, :c 3, :d {:z 9, :x 1, :y 2}}, :e 103}, :f 4}

Like merge-with, but merges maps recursively, applying the given fn
only when there's a non-map at a particular level.

(deep-merge-with + {:a {:b {:c 1 :d {:x 1 :y 2}} :e 3} :f 4}
                   {:a {:b {:c 2 :d {:z 9} :z 3} :e 100}})
-> {:a {:b {:z 3, :c 3, :d {:z 9, :x 1, :y 2}}, :e 103}, :f 4}
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(dissoc-in m [k & ks :as path])
(dissoc-in m path & more-paths)

Dissociates an entry from a nested associative structure returning a new nested structure. path is a sequence of keys. Any empty maps that result will not be present in the new structure.

Dissociates an entry from a nested associative structure returning a new
nested structure. path is a sequence of keys. Any empty maps that result
will not be present in the new structure.
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(dissoc-or-throw m & ks)


(filter-by-key pred m)

Given a predicate like (fn [k] ...) returns a map with only entries with keys that match it.

Given a predicate like (fn [k] ...) returns a map with only entries with keys
that match it.
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(filter-by-val pred m)

Given a predicate like (fn [v] ...) returns a map with only entries with vals that match it.

Given a predicate like (fn [v] ...) returns a map with only entries with vals
that match it.
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(filter-map pred m)

Given a predicate like (fn [k v] ...) returns a map with only entries that match it.

Given a predicate like (fn [k v] ...) returns a map with only entries that
match it.
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(for-map seq-exprs key-expr val-expr)
(for-map m-sym seq-exprs key-expr val-expr)

Like 'for' for building maps. Same bindings except the body should have a key-expression and value-expression. If a key is repeated, the last value (according to "for" semantics) will be retained. (= (for-map [i (range 2) j (range 2)] [i j] (even? (+ i j))) {[0 0] true, [0 1] false, [1 0] false, [1 1] true}) An optional symbol can be passed as a first argument, which will be bound to the transient map containing the entries produced so far.

Like 'for' for building maps. Same bindings except the body should have a
key-expression and value-expression. If a key is repeated, the last
value (according to "for" semantics) will be retained.
(= (for-map [i (range 2) j (range 2)] [i j] (even? (+ i j)))
   {[0 0] true, [0 1] false, [1 0] false, [1 1] true})
An optional symbol can be passed as a first argument, which will be
bound to the transient map containing the entries produced so far.
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(invert-map m)

Inverts a map: key becomes value, value becomes key

Inverts a map: key becomes value, value becomes key
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(keys-to-keywords m
                  {:keys [underscore-to-hyphens?]
                   :or {underscore-to-hyphens? true}})

Recursively transform the key of the map(could be nested) to be type of keyword

Recursively transform the key of the map(could be nested) to be type of keyword
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(keywords->hyphenated-keywords m)

Transforms the keywords in map to hyphen seperated style

Transforms the keywords in map to hyphen seperated style
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(keywords->underscored-keywords m)

Transforms the keywords in map to underscore seperated style

Transforms the keywords in map to underscore seperated style
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(keywords->underscored-strings m)

Transforms the keywords in map to be underscored strings

Transforms the keywords in map to be underscored strings
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(let-map & kvs)

Creates a hash-map which can refer to the symbols of the names of the keys declared above.

Creates a hash-map which can refer to the symbols of the names of the keys
declared above.
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(map-difference m1 m2)

Returns the difference of m1 and m2: the entires in m1 but not in m2 + entries in m2 but not in m1

Returns the difference of m1 and m2: the entires in m1 but not in m2 +
entries in m2 but not in m1
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(map-keys f m)

Build map (f k) -> v for [k v] in map m

Build map (f k) -> v for [k v] in map m
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(map-over-map f m)

Given a function like (fn [k v] ...) returns a new map with each entry mapped by it.

Given a function like (fn [k v] ...) returns a new map with each entry mapped
by it.
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(map-values f m)

Build map k -> (f v) for [k v] in map, preserving the initial type

Build map k -> (f v) for [k v] in map, preserving the initial type
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(move-key m old-key new-key)

Changes the entry's key which is old-key to new-key (the corresponding value untouched)

Changes the entry's key which is old-key to new-key (the corresponding value
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(nested-dissoc data & ks)

dissoc keys from every map at every level of a nested data structure

dissoc keys from every map at every level of a nested data structure
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(paths m)

Return the paths of the leaves in the map

Return the paths of the leaves in the map
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(rand-select-keys m n)

Selects a subset of 'n' k/v pairs from 'm'

Selects a subset of 'n' k/v pairs from 'm'
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(rmerge & maps)

Recursive merge of the provided maps.

Recursive merge of the provided maps.
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(select-keys-always m ks)
(select-keys-always m ks default)

Selects the entires whose key presents in ks from m

Selects the entires whose key presents in ks from m 
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(select-paths m & paths)

Similar to select-keys, just the 'key' here is a path in the nested map

Similar to select-keys, just the 'key' here is a path in the nested map
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(sget m k)

Safe get. Get the value of key k from map m only if the key really exists, throw exception otherwise.

Safe get. Get the value of key `k` from map `m` only if the key really
exists, throw exception otherwise.
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(sorted-zipmap keys vals)

Returns a sorted map with the keys mapped to the corresponding vals.

Returns a sorted map with the keys mapped to the corresponding vals.
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(submap? sub-map m)

Determine whether sub-map is a submap of m.

Determine whether sub-map is a submap of m.
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(subpath? root-path path)

true if 'path' is a child of 'root-path'

true if 'path' is a child of 'root-path'
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(subpaths path)


(transform-keywords f m)

Transforms all the keywords in the specified map using the speicified function

Transforms all the keywords in the specified map using the speicified function
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(update-in-if-present m path f)

Updates the specified path in the map only if it presents

Updates the specified path in the map only if it presents
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(update-in-matching m path f)
(update-in-matching m path f a1)
(update-in-matching m path f a1 a2)
(update-in-matching m path f a1 a2 a3)
(update-in-matching m path f a1 a2 a3 & args)

update-in that accept :, :-val

(update-in-matching {:foo {:bar {:baz [1]} :quz {:baz [2]}}} [:foo :-val :baz :] inc) => {:foo {:bar {:baz [2]}, :quz {:baz [3]}}}

update-in that accept :*, :*-val

  {:foo {:bar {:baz [1]} :quz {:baz [2]}}}
  [:foo :*-val :baz :*]
  inc) => {:foo {:bar {:baz [2]}, :quz {:baz [3]}}} 
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