Functions that operate on Strings or Keywords.
Functions that operate on Strings or Keywords.
(=-ignoring-whitespace a b)
(all-whitespace? s)
(as-str x)
(decamelize s)
(decode-string s)
(domain-name host-name)
(empty-str x)
Returns nil if x is empty or nil, otherwise x as a string
Returns nil if x is empty or nil, otherwise x as a string
(equals-ignore-case? s1 s2)
(extract-number s)
(git-sha? s)
(hyphenize s)
(hyphens->underscores k)
(keyword->hyphenated-keyword k)
(keyword->hyphenated-string k)
(keyword->underscored-keyword k)
(keyword->underscored-string k)
(length s)
(mapify s sep)
(nil-or-empty-string? s)
(nil-str x)
(num-utf8-bytes s)
(parse-query-param q)
(parse-url url-str)
(query-string url-str)
(query-url url param)
(re-matches? re s)
(remove-dashes guid)
(repeat-str n x)
(safe-string-pattern-re-find pattern string-to-match)
(split s delim)
(squash-whitespace s)
(starts-with? s sub-string)
(stringify-map-values the-map)
(strip-whitespace s)
(truncate s n)
(truncate-utf8-bytes s n)
(underscores->hyphens k)
(urldecode s)
(utf8-bytes s)
(uuid+timestamp? s)
(uuid? s)
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