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A description of a Serializable field from a Serializable class. An array of ObjectStreamFields is used to declare the Serializable fields of a class.

A description of a Serializable field from a Serializable class.  An array
of ObjectStreamFields is used to declare the Serializable fields of a class.
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(->object-stream-field name type)
(->object-stream-field name type unshared)


Creates an ObjectStreamField representing a serializable field with the given name and type. If unshared is false, values of the represented field are serialized and deserialized in the default manner--if the field is non-primitive, object values are serialized and deserialized as if they had been written and read by calls to writeObject and readObject. If unshared is true, values of the represented field are serialized and deserialized as if they had been written and read by calls to writeUnshared and readUnshared.

name - field name - java.lang.String type - field type - java.lang.Class unshared - if false, write/read field values in the same manner as writeObject/readObject; if true, write/read in the same manner as writeUnshared/readUnshared - boolean


Creates an ObjectStreamField representing a serializable field with the
 given name and type.  If unshared is false, values of the represented
 field are serialized and deserialized in the default manner--if the
 field is non-primitive, object values are serialized and deserialized as
 if they had been written and read by calls to writeObject and
 readObject.  If unshared is true, values of the represented field are
 serialized and deserialized as if they had been written and read by
 calls to writeUnshared and readUnshared.

name - field name - `java.lang.String`
type - field type - `java.lang.Class`
unshared - if false, write/read field values in the same manner as writeObject/readObject; if true, write/read in the same manner as writeUnshared/readUnshared - `boolean`
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(compare-to this obj)

Compare this field with another ObjectStreamField. Return -1 if this is smaller, 0 if equal, 1 if greater. Types that are primitives are "smaller" than object types. If equal, the field names are compared.

obj - the object to be compared. - java.lang.Object

returns: a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object. - int

Compare this field with another ObjectStreamField.  Return
 -1 if this is smaller, 0 if equal, 1 if greater.  Types that are
 primitives are "smaller" than object types.  If equal, the field names
 are compared.

obj - the object to be compared. - `java.lang.Object`

returns: a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object
          is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object. - `int`
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(get-name this)

Get the name of this field.

returns: a String representing the name of the serializable field - java.lang.String

Get the name of this field.

returns: a String representing the name of the serializable
          field - `java.lang.String`
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(get-offset this)

Offset of field within instance data.

returns: the offset of this field - int

Offset of field within instance data.

returns: the offset of this field - `int`
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(get-type this)

Get the type of the field. If the type is non-primitive and this ObjectStreamField was obtained from a deserialized ObjectStreamClass instance, then Object.class is returned. Otherwise, the Class object for the type of the field is returned.

returns: a Class object representing the type of the serializable field - java.lang.Class<?>

Get the type of the field.  If the type is non-primitive and this
 ObjectStreamField was obtained from a deserialized ObjectStreamClass instance, then Object.class is returned.
 Otherwise, the Class object for the type of the field is

returns: a Class object representing the type of the
          serializable field - `java.lang.Class<?>`
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(get-type-code this)

Returns character encoding of field type. The encoding is as follows:

B byte C char D double F float I int J long L class or interface S short Z boolean [ array

returns: the typecode of the serializable field - char

Returns character encoding of field type.  The encoding is as follows:

 B            byte
 C            char
 D            double
 F            float
 I            int
 J            long
 L            class or interface
 S            short
 Z            boolean
 [            array

returns: the typecode of the serializable field - `char`
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(get-type-string this)

Return the JVM type signature.

returns: null if this field has a primitive type. - java.lang.String

Return the JVM type signature.

returns: null if this field has a primitive type. - `java.lang.String`
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(primitive? this)

Return true if this field has a primitive type.

returns: true if and only if this field corresponds to a primitive type - boolean

Return true if this field has a primitive type.

returns: true if and only if this field corresponds to a primitive type - `boolean`
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(to-string this)

Return a string that describes this field.

returns: a string representation of the object. - java.lang.String

Return a string that describes this field.

returns: a string representation of the object. - `java.lang.String`
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(unshared? this)

Returns boolean value indicating whether or not the serializable field represented by this ObjectStreamField instance is unshared.

returns: true if this field is unshared - boolean

Returns boolean value indicating whether or not the serializable field
 represented by this ObjectStreamField instance is unshared.

returns: true if this field is unshared - `boolean`
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