This immutable class specifies the set of domain parameters used with elliptic curve cryptography (ECC).
This immutable class specifies the set of domain parameters used with elliptic curve cryptography (ECC).
(->ec-parameter-spec curve g n h)
Creates elliptic curve domain parameters based on the specified values.
curve - the elliptic curve which this parameter defines. -
g - the generator which is also known as the base point. -
n - the order of the generator g. - java.math.BigInteger
h - the cofactor. - int
throws: java.lang.NullPointerException - if curve, g, or n is null.
Constructor. Creates elliptic curve domain parameters based on the specified values. curve - the elliptic curve which this parameter defines. - `` g - the generator which is also known as the base point. - `` n - the order of the generator g. - `java.math.BigInteger` h - the cofactor. - `int` throws: java.lang.NullPointerException - if curve, g, or n is null.
(get-cofactor this)
Returns the cofactor.
returns: the cofactor. - int
Returns the cofactor. returns: the cofactor. - `int`
(get-curve this)
Returns the elliptic curve that this parameter defines.
returns: the elliptic curve that this parameter defines. -
Returns the elliptic curve that this parameter defines. returns: the elliptic curve that this parameter defines. - ``
(get-generator this)
Returns the generator which is also known as the base point.
returns: the generator which is also known as the base point. -
Returns the generator which is also known as the base point. returns: the generator which is also known as the base point. - ``
(get-order this)
Returns the order of the generator.
returns: the order of the generator. - java.math.BigInteger
Returns the order of the generator. returns: the order of the generator. - `java.math.BigInteger`
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