A SyncMode object represents one of the ways in which a MIDI sequencer's notion of time can be synchronized with a master or slave device. If the sequencer is being synchronized to a master, the sequencer revises its current time in response to messages from the master. If the sequencer has a slave, the sequencer similarly sends messages to control the slave's timing.
There are three predefined modes that specify possible masters for a sequencer: INTERNAL_CLOCK, MIDI_SYNC, and MIDI_TIME_CODE. The latter two work if the sequencer receives MIDI messages from another device. In these two modes, the sequencer's time gets reset based on system real-time timing clock messages or MIDI time code (MTC) messages, respectively. These two modes can also be used as slave modes, in which case the sequencer sends the corresponding types of MIDI messages to its receiver (whether or not the sequencer is also receiving them from a master). A fourth mode, NO_SYNC, is used to indicate that the sequencer should not control its receiver's timing.
A SyncMode object represents one of the ways in which a MIDI sequencer's notion of time can be synchronized with a master or slave device. If the sequencer is being synchronized to a master, the sequencer revises its current time in response to messages from the master. If the sequencer has a slave, the sequencer similarly sends messages to control the slave's timing. There are three predefined modes that specify possible masters for a sequencer: INTERNAL_CLOCK, MIDI_SYNC, and MIDI_TIME_CODE. The latter two work if the sequencer receives MIDI messages from another device. In these two modes, the sequencer's time gets reset based on system real-time timing clock messages or MIDI time code (MTC) messages, respectively. These two modes can also be used as slave modes, in which case the sequencer sends the corresponding types of MIDI messages to its receiver (whether or not the sequencer is also receiving them from a master). A fourth mode, NO_SYNC, is used to indicate that the sequencer should not control its receiver's timing.
Static Constant.
A master synchronization mode that makes the sequencer get its timing information from its internal clock. This is not a legal slave sync mode.
type: javax.sound.midi.Sequencer$SyncMode
Static Constant. A master synchronization mode that makes the sequencer get its timing information from its internal clock. This is not a legal slave sync mode. type: javax.sound.midi.Sequencer$SyncMode
Static Constant.
A master or slave synchronization mode that specifies the use of MIDI clock messages. If this mode is used as the master sync mode, the sequencer gets its timing information from system real-time MIDI clock messages. This mode only applies as the master sync mode for sequencers that are also MIDI receivers. If this is the slave sync mode, the sequencer sends system real-time MIDI clock messages to its receiver. MIDI clock messages are sent at a rate of 24 per quarter note.
type: javax.sound.midi.Sequencer$SyncMode
Static Constant. A master or slave synchronization mode that specifies the use of MIDI clock messages. If this mode is used as the master sync mode, the sequencer gets its timing information from system real-time MIDI clock messages. This mode only applies as the master sync mode for sequencers that are also MIDI receivers. If this is the slave sync mode, the sequencer sends system real-time MIDI clock messages to its receiver. MIDI clock messages are sent at a rate of 24 per quarter note. type: javax.sound.midi.Sequencer$SyncMode
Static Constant.
A master or slave synchronization mode that specifies the use of MIDI Time Code. If this mode is used as the master sync mode, the sequencer gets its timing information from MIDI Time Code messages. This mode only applies as the master sync mode to sequencers that are also MIDI receivers. If this mode is used as the slave sync mode, the sequencer sends MIDI Time Code messages to its receiver. (See the MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification for a description of MIDI Time Code.)
type: javax.sound.midi.Sequencer$SyncMode
Static Constant. A master or slave synchronization mode that specifies the use of MIDI Time Code. If this mode is used as the master sync mode, the sequencer gets its timing information from MIDI Time Code messages. This mode only applies as the master sync mode to sequencers that are also MIDI receivers. If this mode is used as the slave sync mode, the sequencer sends MIDI Time Code messages to its receiver. (See the MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification for a description of MIDI Time Code.) type: javax.sound.midi.Sequencer$SyncMode
Static Constant.
A slave synchronization mode indicating that no timing information should be sent to the receiver. This is not a legal master sync mode.
type: javax.sound.midi.Sequencer$SyncMode
Static Constant. A slave synchronization mode indicating that no timing information should be sent to the receiver. This is not a legal master sync mode. type: javax.sound.midi.Sequencer$SyncMode
(equals this obj)
Determines whether two objects are equal. Returns true if the objects are identical
obj - the reference object with which to compare - java.lang.Object
returns: true if this object is the same as the
obj argument, false otherwise - boolean
Determines whether two objects are equal. Returns true if the objects are identical obj - the reference object with which to compare - `java.lang.Object` returns: true if this object is the same as the obj argument, false otherwise - `boolean`
(hash-code this)
Finalizes the hashcode method.
returns: a hash code value for this object. - int
Finalizes the hashcode method. returns: a hash code value for this object. - `int`
(to-string this)
Provides this synchronization mode's name as the string representation of the mode.
returns: the name of this synchronization mode - java.lang.String
Provides this synchronization mode's name as the string representation of the mode. returns: the name of this synchronization mode - `java.lang.String`
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