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(default-error-listener [t c msg])




(subscribe conn-spec channel listener-fn & [on-error])

Subscribes to a particular channel and returns a listener handle. To unsubscribe, keep a reference to the return val

Subscribes to a particular channel and returns a listener handle. To unsubscribe, keep a reference to the return val
sourceraw docstring


(with-new-keepalive-listener conn-spec handler initial-state & body)

Extension of carmine/with-new-listener A health check added listener on top of the awesome carmine/with-new-listener macro. Use ping-ms in connection spec to override default 30000ms ping timeout. For fatal exceptions on the listener, add channel listener to pubsub:listener:fail For keep alive ping callbacks, add channel listener to pubsub:ping

Extension of carmine/with-new-listener
A health check added listener on top of the awesome carmine/with-new-listener macro.
Use ping-ms in connection spec to override default 30000ms ping timeout.
For fatal exceptions on the listener, add channel listener to pubsub:listener:fail
For keep alive ping callbacks, add channel listener to pubsub:ping
sourceraw docstring


(with-new-keepalive-pubsub-listener conn-spec

A wrapper for with-new-keepalive-listener. - Extension of carmine/with-new-pubsub-listener

Creates a persistent[1] connection to Redis server and a thread to handle messages published to channels that you subscribe to with subscribe/psubscribe calls in body, with a keep-alive

Handlers will receive messages of form: [<msg-type> <channel/pattern> <message-content>].

(with-new-keepalive-pubsub-listener {} ; Connection spec, as per wcar docstring [1] {"channel1" (fn [[type match content :as msg]] (prn "Channel match: " msg)) "user*" (fn [[type match content :as msg]] (prn "Pattern match: " msg))} (subscribe "foobar") ; Subscribe thread conn to "foobar" channel (psubscribe "foo*") ; Subscribe thread conn to "foo*" channel pattern )

Returns the Listener to allow manual closing and adjustments to message-handlers.

[1] You probably do NOT want a :timeout for your conn-spec here.

A wrapper for `with-new-keepalive-listener`. - Extension of carmine/with-new-pubsub-listener

Creates a persistent[1] connection to Redis server and a thread to
handle messages published to channels that you subscribe to with
`subscribe`/`psubscribe` calls in body, with a keep-alive

Handlers will receive messages of form:
  [<msg-type> <channel/pattern> <message-content>].

  {} ; Connection spec, as per `wcar` docstring [1]
  {"channel1" (fn [[type match content :as msg]] (prn "Channel match: " msg))
   "user*"    (fn [[type match content :as msg]] (prn "Pattern match: " msg))}
  (subscribe "foobar") ; Subscribe thread conn to "foobar" channel
  (psubscribe "foo*")  ; Subscribe thread conn to "foo*" channel pattern

Returns the Listener to allow manual closing and adjustments to

[1] You probably do *NOT* want a :timeout for your `conn-spec` here.
sourceraw docstring

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