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JWT Implementation in Xiana


The JWT module in Xiana allows for signing and verification of JW Tokens by using the buddy sign library.

It implements two methods of both features, explained later on. There are also default interceptors for both methods, which can be found in src/xiana/interceptor.clj and their documentation in the interceptors documentation.

There is an example project on how to use the xiana JWT interceptors in examples/jwt.

More on how JWT works.


In order to use the interceptors implemented in xiana, the config map should look something like the following:

    {:public-key  <PUBLIC_KEY_1>
     :private-key <PRIVATE_KEY_1>
     :alg         :rs256
     :in-claims   {:iss     "xiana-api"
                   :aud     "api-consumer"
                   :sub     "example-subject"
                   :leeway  0
                   :max-age 1000}
     :out-claims  {:exp 1000
                   :iss "xiana-api"
                   :sub "example-subject"
                   :aud "api-consumer"
                   :nbf 0}}
    {:private-key <PRIVATE_KEY_2>
     :public-key  <PUBLIC_KEY_2>
     :alg         :rs256}}}

The top level keys :auth and :content are used to specify the configuration for jwt-auth and jwt-content interceptors respectively.

This config is better passed as an env variable, so you won't need to version control the private/public keys and instead can rely on a secret vault to set the env variable correctly acording to the config lib.

Config keys

  • :alg key is used to inform which algorithm the JWT is/will be signed More on accepted algorithms.

  • :private-key sets the private-key in which the JWT will be signed.

  • :public-key sets the public-key needed to verify the JWT.

Example to generate priv/public keys (rsa256):

Do not add a passphrase for the keys.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM -f rs256.key
openssl rsa -in rs256.key -pubout -outform PEM -out
  • :out-claims key contains keys to set claims when signing the JWT.

    • :exp and :nbf (expiration and not before, respectively) should be a value in seconds and when the JWT is beign signed will be added to the current time. :exp sets the token's expiration, while :nbf tells the validator to not accept the token before the time provided by it.
  • :in-claims key has the keys to validate the JWT claims.

    • :leeway and :max-age should be a value in seconds. The :leeway key is used to give a "margin of error" in not-before and expiration claims validation. :max-age is another way to set an expiration on the JWT, it will compare the :iat (issued at time) claim with the current time, and if it has extrapolated the seconds set in max-age, the validation will fail.

Keep in mind that all claim keys are optional, but if they are present in the signed JWT, the methods will try to validate them.


The public and private keys can be passed in three different way. As plain text, from file and thought Base64 encoding. In case of plain text no additional initialization is necessary. For loading keys from files the system startup should looks like:

;with configuration:
;:xiana/jwt             {:auth
;                        {:alg         :rs256
;                         :public-key  "$jwt-public-key | resources/_files/"
;                         :private-key "$jwt-private-key | resources/_files/jwtRS256.key"
;                         :in-claims   {:iss     "xiana-api"
;                                       :aud     "api-consumer"
;                                       :leeway  0
;                                       :max-age 1000}
;                         :out-claims  {:exp 1000
;                                       :iss "xiana-api"
;                                       :aud "api-consumer"
;                                       :nbf 0}}}

(defn ->system
  (-> (config/config app-cfg)
      jwt/init-from-file           ;slurps the keys from files

You can use xiana.jwt/init-from-base64 if your key is Base64 encoded, and of course you can combine those like

(defn ->system
  (-> (config/config app-cfg)
      jwt/init-from-file           ;slurps the keys from files
      jwt/init-from-base64         ;Decode slurped keys

Both methods are safe, in case of exception they do not modify the passed configuration.

jwt methods

The verify-jwt and sign methods have two implementations: :claims and :no-claims.

The :claims one will use the :out-claims config to sign the JWT and :in-claims config to validate the JWT, while the :no-claims method will not need those configurations to be there. If using the :no-claims method of verify-jwt , the keys must not be present in the JWT, otherwise the validation will fail (with the exception of :exp and :nbf).


Please refer to the interceptors documentation.

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