Implement the client half of the CurveCP protocol.
It seems like it would be nice if I could just declare the message exchange, but that approach gets complicated on the server side. At least half the point there is reducing DoS.
Implement the client half of the CurveCP protocol. It seems like it would be nice if I could just declare the message exchange, but that approach gets complicated on the server side. At least half the point there is reducing DoS.
{:keys [:frereth.weald.specs/logger :frereth.weald.specs/state] :as this})
(child->server this msg)
Child sent us a signal to add bytes to the stream to the server
Child sent us a signal to add bytes to the stream to the server
(child-exited! this)
(ctor opts logger-initializer)
(hide-long-arrays this)
Make pretty printing a little less verbose
Make pretty printing a little less verbose
(server->child this msg)
Received bytes from the server that need to be streamed back to child
Received bytes from the server that need to be streamed back to child
(start! {:keys [:frereth.weald.specs/logger
log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state
:as this})
Perform the side-effects to establish a connection with a server
Perform the side-effects to establish a connection with a server
(stop! {log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state
:keys [:frereth.weald.specs/logger
:or {log-state (log/init :frereth.cp.client/stop!-missing-logs)
logger (log/std-out-log-factory)}
:as this})
(unexpectedly-terminated-successfully result unexpected)
(unexpectedly-terminated-unsuccessfully result outcome)
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