Implement the server half of the CurveCP protocol
Implement the server half of the CurveCP protocol
(build-event-loop-stopper {:keys [:frereth.cp.server.state/client-read-chan]
:as this})
(check-packet-length log-state packet)
Could this packet possibly be a valid CurveCP packet, based on its size?
Could this packet possibly be a valid CurveCP packet, based on its size?
(ctor {:keys [:frereth.cp.server.state/max-active-clients]
log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state
:or {max-active-clients default-max-clients}
:as cfg})
Just like in the Component lifecycle, this is about setting up a value that's ready to start
Just like in the Component lifecycle, this is about setting up a value that's ready to start
(do-begin {:keys [:frereth.cp.server.state/client-read-chan]
log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state
:as this})
Start the event loop
Start the event loop
(do-handle-incoming {log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state :as this}
{:keys [:host :port] message :message :as packet})
Packet arrived from client. Do something with it.
Packet arrived from client. Do something with it.
(do-handle-message state packet)
(input-reducer {:keys [:frereth.cp.server.state/client-read-chan
log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state
:as this}
Convert input into the next state
Convert input into the next state
(start! {:keys [:frereth.weald.specs/logger
:frereth.cp.shared/extension :frereth.cp.shared/my-keys]
log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state
:as this})
Start a server
Start a server
(stop! {:keys [:frereth.weald.specs/logger
log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state
:as this})
Stop the ioloop (but not the read/write channels: we don't own them)
Stop the ioloop (but not the read/write channels: we don't own them)
(verify-my-packet {:keys [:frereth.cp.shared/extension]
log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state}
Was this packet really intended for this server?
Was this packet really intended for this server?
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