Looks like this may not be needed at all
Pretty much everything that might have been interesting really seems to belong in from-parent.
Or in the callback that got handed to message as part of its constructor.
Although there is the bit about closing the pipe to the child at the bottom of each event loop.
Looks like this may not be needed at all Pretty much everything that might have been interesting really seems to belong in from-parent. Or in the callback that got handed to message as part of its constructor. Although there *is* the bit about closing the pipe to the child at the bottom of each event loop.
Signal error if calling back to child w/ incoming message takes much too long (in milliseconds)
Signal error if calling back to child w/ incoming message takes much too long (in milliseconds)
Warn if calling back to child w/ incoming message takes too long (in milliseconds)
Warn if calling back to child w/ incoming message takes too long (in milliseconds)
(close-parent-input! {:keys [:frereth.cp.message.specs/from-parent-trigger
:as io-handle})
(consolidate-gap-buffer {{:keys [:frereth.cp.message.specs/gap-buffer]
:as incoming}
:keys [:frereth.cp.message.specs/message-loop-name]
:as state})
{{:keys [:frereth.cp.message.specs/->child-buffer
:as incoming}
:keys [:frereth.cp.message.specs/message-loop-name]
log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state
:as state}
Move the parts of the gap-buffer that are ready to write to child
Really only meant as a helper refactored out of consolidate-gap-buffer
Move the parts of the gap-buffer that are ready to write to child Really only meant as a helper refactored out of consolidate-gap-buffer
(forward! {:keys [:frereth.cp.message.specs/from-parent]
parent-trigger :frereth.cp.message.specs/from-parent-trigger
:as io-handle}
{:keys [:frereth.cp.message.specs/message-loop-name]
original-incoming :frereth.cp.message.specs/incoming
log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state
:as state})
Trigger the parent-monitor 'loop'
Trigger the parent-monitor 'loop'
(pop-map-first associative)
Pop first entry from a map. Only makes sense if sorted
Pop first entry from a map. Only makes sense if sorted
{:keys [:frereth.cp.message.specs/from-parent-trigger] :as io-handle}
{{:keys [:frereth.cp.message.specs/contiguous-stream-count
:as incoming}
log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state
:as state})
Maybe signal child that it won't receive anything else
Maybe signal child that it won't receive anything else
{:keys [:frereth.weald.specs/logger :frereth.cp.message.specs/child-in
trigger-stream :frereth.cp.message.specs/from-parent-trigger
:as io-handle}
This is probably a reasonable default for many/most use cases
This is probably a reasonable default for many/most use cases
(trigger-from-parent! {:keys [:frereth.weald.specs/logger
:as io-handle}
{:keys [:frereth.cp.message.to-child/result-writer
my-logs :frereth.weald.specs/state
:as trigger})
Stream handler for coping with bytes sent by parent
Stream handler for coping with bytes sent by parent
(write-bytes-to-child-stream! parent-trigger
{log-state :frereth.weald.specs/state :as state}
Forward the byte-array inside the buffer
Forward the byte-array inside the buffer
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