A relative thin wrapper around the modern API of the 5.x MongoDB Java sync driver.
Status: alpha
Download from https://github.com/lassemaatta/murmeli.
Supports the majority of the modern API.
(Proof-of-Concept) Supports transactions.
(Proof-of-Concept) Supports transforming plumatic/schema structures into draft 4 JSON schemas.
The reactive streams API is not supported.
The legacy API is not supported.
Deprecated constructs of the modern API (e.g., MapReduce) are not supported.
Use :pre
conditions to check mandatory parameters.
Avoid lazyness. Use IReduceInit as the root construct for queries. It gives us better control wrt. cleaning up cursors and offers better performance. Caller can use e.g. eduction to slap more processing steps before reducing the result.
(require '[murmeli.core :as m])
(def conn (-> {:uri "mongodb://localhost:27017"
:keywords? true}
(m/with-db "some-database")))
;; A random collection name for the examples below
(def coll :some-collection)
(m/insert-many! conn coll [{:counter 1
:name "bar"}
{:counter 2
:name "quuz"
:location "somewhere"}
{:counter 3
:name "asdf"
:location [123 456]}
{:name "no counter here"
:aliases ["foo" "bar"]}
{:foo "bar"}])
Query options can be supplied as keyword arguments
(require '[murmeli.operators :refer [$exists $jsonSchema]])
(-> (m/find-all conn coll :query {:counter {$exists 1}} :projection [:name :counter] :limit 10)
;; => 3
or as a trailing map
(-> (m/find-all conn coll {:query {:counter {$exists 1}}
:projection [:name :counter]
:limit 10})
;; => 3
schemas for JSON schema validation / queries(require '[murmeli.validators.schema :as vs])
(require '[schema.core :as s :refer [defschema]])
(defschema MySchema
{(s/optional-key :_id) (s/pred #(instance? org.bson.types.ObjectId %))
:name s/Str
(s/optional-key :counter) s/Int
(s/optional-key :aliases) #{s/Str}
(s/optional-key :location) (s/cond-pre
(def json-schema (vs/schema->json-schema MySchema))
(-> (m/find-all conn coll :query {$jsonSchema json-schema})
;; => 4
(m/count-collection conn coll)
;; => 5
(m/with-session [conn (m/with-client-session-options conn {:read-preference :nearest})]
(m/insert-one! conn coll {:name "foo"})
(m/insert-one! conn coll {:name "quuz"}))
(m/count-collection conn coll)
;; => 7
(m/with-session [conn (m/with-client-session-options conn {:read-preference :nearest})]
(m/insert-one! conn coll {:name "another"})
(m/insert-one! conn coll {:name "one"})
;; Something goes wrong within `with-session`
(throw (RuntimeException. "oh noes")))
(catch Exception _
;; Rollback occurs
(m/count-collection conn coll)
;; => 7
(require '[schema.coerce :as sc])
(def coerce-my-record! (sc/coercer! MySchema sc/json-coercion-matcher))
(def by-schema (->> (m/find-reducible conn coll {:query {$jsonSchema json-schema}})
(eduction (map coerce-my-record!)
(filter (comp seq :aliases)))
(into [])))
(count by-schema)
;; => 1
(every? (comp set? :aliases) by-schema)
;; => true
(m/drop-db! conn "some-database")
Initialize clj-kondo cache for the project:
bb run init-kondo!
Lint the project:
bb run lint
Unit tests:
lein test
Check code examples in this README.md
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
lein run-doc-tests
Copyright © 2024 Lasse Määttä
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the European Union Public License 1.2 which is available at https://eupl.eu/1.2/en/
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