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A ClojureScript microlib for state management in a Helix-based React app

The problem

deepstate provides some simple hooks-based state management primitives which probably aren't very performant as the single source of truth in a large app (there are no reactions), but are simple, flexible, and straightforward to use in an async world.


(require '[deepstate.action :as a])
(require '[deepstate.action.async :as a.async])

Model and state

deepstate reduces a stream of events onto a state value.

There are a few core concepts:

  • action-context - a React context for some deepstate state
  • action-context-provider - an element providing an action-context to a component tree
  • use-action - a hook used by components to interact with state. It returns a state value and a dispatch function
  • dispatch - a fn returned by the use-action hook which sends an action to be handled
  • def-action - a macro which defines a generic action handler. There are more specialised variants such as
    • def-state-action - defines an action handler which only modifies stat:e
    • def-async-action - defines an action handler which runs a promise-based async computation and records the status and result in a standard schema
    • def-axios-action - an async action which parses axios results:

A simple example

Perhaps the simplest example:

(a/def-state-action ::inc-counter
  [state action]
  (update state ::counter inc))

(def action-ctx (a/create-action-context))

(defnc App
 (let [[counter dispatch] (a/use-action action-ctx [::counter])]
    (d/p "Counter: " counter)
    (d/button {:on-click (fn [_] (dispatch ::inc-counter))} "inc"))))

A more complex example, demonstrating the common schema for promise-based async actions:

(a/def-axios-action ::fetch-apod
  [state action]
  {::a/axios (axios/get "\?api_key\=DEMO_KEY")})

(def action-ctx (a/create-action-context))

(defnc App
  (let [[{status ::a/status
          result ::a/result
          :as apod}
         dispatch] (a/use-action action-ctx [::fetch-apod])]
    (d/p "Status:" (str status))
    (d/p "APOD:" (pr-str result))
    (d/button {:on-click (fn [_] (dispatch ::fetch-apod))} "Fetch!"))))


An action-context is created with a/create-action-context, and passed through a component tree by an a/action-context-provider element.

Components consume state through the a/use-action hook, which returns [state dispatch] - a state value and a dispatch fn.


Actions are maps which describe an operation to mutate state. They have an ::a/action key which selects a handler, and any other keys the particular handler requires.


An action is dispatched causing a handler to be invoked according to the ::a/action key in the action. The handler returns a function of state, which when invoked returns some optional effects (returning no effects is not very useful, but perfectly fine):

  • ::a/state - a new state value
  • ::a/navigate - a url to navigate to
  • ::a/dispatch - an ActionMap | [ActionMap] to be dispatched
  • ::a/later - a promise of an effect fn (fn [state] ...)
  • Promise<Effects> - an ::a/update-later promise of Effects

It is possible to define an action handler directly, with (defmethod a/handle <key> [action] (fn [state] ...)), but it's much easier to use one of the sugar macros...


Defines a action handler. It takes

  • the ::a/action key used in an action map
  • a parameter destructuring vector for the single action map parameter
  • the body defining the effects the handler returns - which may use the bindings destructured from the action map
(a/def-action ::change-query
   {q :q
    :as _action}]
  {::a/state (assoc state ::query q)
   ::a/navigate "/show-state"})


(a/def-state-action ::change-query
   {q :q
    :as _action}]
  (assoc state ::query q))


Defines a promise-based async action handler. The action is specified as a form returning a promise of the result. The global state and the state of the particular action is available for destructuring.

(a.async/def-async-action ::run-query
    {{id :id} ::a/result
     :as action-state}
    {q :q
     :as action_}]
  {::a/async (run-query action)
   ::a/navigate-success (str "/item/" id)})

This def-async-action will result in a map in the state at path [::run-query] with the shape

{::a/status ::a/inflight|::a/success|::a/error
 ::a/result ...
 ::a/error ...}


Copyright © 2023 mccraigmccraig of the clan mccraig

Distributed under the MIT License.

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