A ClojureScript microlib for state management in a Helix-based React app
deepstate provides simple hooks-based state management operations, which
probably aren't very performant as the single source of truth in a large app
(there is nothing like
Reagent's Reaction
s) -
but it doesn't need to be the single source of truth, and the
deepstate primitives are simple, flexible, and straightforward
to use in an async world
(require '[deepstate.action :as a])
(require '[deepstate.action.async :as a.a])
(require '[deepstate.action.axios :as a.ax])
deepstate reduces a stream of events (called action
s) onto a state
under the hood lives a React useReducer
hook, which deepstate builds on
to help you define complex actions with ease
?deepstate is fundamentally a vanilla React useReducer
, but the values
dispatched to the underlying React useReducer
are functions of state
(fn <state>) -> <action-effects>
, i.e. a function of state
. The action-effects
may include state
updates, but may
also include navigation, further dispatch
es and a promise of
later delivery of more action-effects
. Such an approach gives a lot of
flexibility, at the expense of some difficulty creating the function values.
deepstate makes it easy to create and use these functions
value and a dispatch
- a fn returned by the [[deepstate.action/use-action]] hook which
sends an action to be handledShowing a synchronous state-only action and an asynchronous action. Clicks will result in consistent data however they are interleaved:
(a/def-state-action ::inc-counter
[state _action]
(update state ::counter inc))
(a.a/def-async-action ::inc-delay
{data ::a/data
:as _async-action-state}
;; a promise of the action data
(promesa.core/delay 2000 5)
;; effects which can use the destructured action data
;; or other state
{::a/state (update state ::counter + data)})
(def action-ctx (a/create-action-context))
(defnc App
(let [[{counter ::counter :as __state} dispatch] (a/use-action {::counter 0})]
(d/p "Counter: " counter)
(d/button {:on-click (fn [_] (dispatch ::inc-counter))} "inc")
(d/button {:on-click (fn [_] (dispatch ::inc-delay))} "+5 delay"))))
Another example showing how the result of an async action can be destructured to conditionally create effects:
(a.ax/def-axios-action ::fetch-apod
{status ::a/status
:as async-action-state}
;; a promise of the action data
(axios/get "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod\?api_key\=DEMO_KEY")
;; only create a navigate effect when successful
(when (= ::a/success status)
{::a/navigate "/show-pic"}))
(def action-ctx (a/create-action-context))
(defnc App
(let [[{{status ::a/status
data ::a/data
:as apod} ::fetch-apod}
dispatch] (a/use-action {})]
(d/p "Status:" (str status))
(d/p "APOD:" (pr-str data))
(d/button {:on-click (fn [_] (dispatch ::fetch-apod))} "Fetch!"))))
Components interact with deepstate via the
hook, which returns a [state dispatch]
pair of the current state
and a
function to dispatch
an action
map to update state.
s are maps which describe an operation to change state
(or perform
some other effect). They have
an ::a/action
key which selects a handler, and may have any other keys
the particular handler requires.
An action is dispatch
ed causing a handler to be invoked according
to the ::a/action
key in the action. The handler
returns a (fn <state>) -> action-effects
i.e. a function of state
which when invoked returns
a map of (all optional) action-effects
(returning no effects is
not very useful, but perfectly fine).
It is possible to define an action handler directly, with
(defmethod a/handle <key> [action] (fn [state] ...))
, but it's
easier to use one of the sugar macros, which provide for some
convenient destructuring:
There are currently 4 effects available:
- a new state value::a/navigate
- a url to navigate to::a/dispatch
- an action-map
| [action-map
] to be dispatch
- a promise of a fn Promise<(fn <state>) -> action-effects
to provide more effects laterDefines a generic action handler. It takes
key used in an action mapstate
and action-map
(a/def-action ::change-query
{q :q
:as _action}]
{::a/state (assoc state ::query q)
::a/navigate "/show-state"})
Defines an action handler which only modifies state - the body form evaluates
to the updated state (i.e. not an action-effects
(a/def-state-action ::change-query
{q :q
:as _action}]
(assoc state ::query q))
Defines a promise-based async action handler, which creates a
promise to retrieve some async-action-data
and manages an
structure in the state to record progress
and results. async-action-data
has shape:
{::a/id <random-uuid>
::a/status ::a/inflight|::a/success|::a/error
::a/data <async-action-data>
::a/error <async-action-error>}
The body of the def-async-action
definition has 2 or 3 forms:
to cancel
the action without evaluating the promise formThe body forms are evaluated separately, and may all use bindings from the bindings vector. Several bindings vector arities are offered:
[state-bindings action-bindings]
[state-bindings next-async-action-state-bindings action-bindings]
[state-bindings async-action-state-bindings next-async-action-state-bindings action-bindings]
So a simple async action may access the next-async-action-state
navigate on completion:
(a.a/def-async-action ::run-query
{status ::a/status
{id :id} ::a/data
:as _next-action-state}
{q :q
:as __action}]
(run-query q)
(when (= ::a/success status)
{::a/navigate (str "/item/" id)}))
While another action may debounce by comparing the async-action-state
with the next-async-action-state
(a.a/def-async-action ::debounced
{p-status ::a/status
:as _action-state}
{n-id ::a/id
:as _next-action-state}
{q :q
:as _action}]
(run-query q)
;; debounce if there is already an inflight query
(when (= ::a/inflight p-status)
(when (= ::a/success status)
{::a/navigate (str "/item/" n-id)}))
These def-async-action
will assoc the async-action-state
map in the
global state
at the action key
path (the path can be overridden
by providing an ::action/path
key in the action
map), with the shape.
Exactly like def-async-action,
but the action-data-promise
is expected to be an axios
promise, and the responseor error will be parsed into the async-action-state
See the example
folder in the git repo. It's a modified
lilactown/helix-todo-mvc with
state management converted to deepstate and the ::add
action being
made async with a simulated network delay and a last-inflight-request-wins
Build and run the example with npm start
Copyright © 2023 mccraigmccraig of the clan mccraig
Distributed under the MIT License.
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