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Server's start/stop functionality with ring handler adapter.

Server's start/stop functionality with ring handler adapter.
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(start config)

Starts server using server/start with ring handler adapter.

Additional configurations keys.

  • :ring-handler-type The type of all ring handlers in the configuration.
    • No value or value :sync means synchronous ring handler handler/sync.
    • Value :async means asynchronous ring handler handler/async.

To use handlers of mixed type you can either:

Starts server using [server/start][1] with ring handler adapter.

Additional configurations keys.

- `:ring-handler-type` The type of all ring handlers in the configuration.
    - No value or value `:sync` means synchronous ring handler
    - Value `:async` means asynchronous ring handler [[handler/async]].

To use handlers of mixed type you can either:

- configure handler declaratively like described in [[handler/ring]];
- apply functions [[handler/sync]] and [[handler/async]] to your handlers

sourceraw docstring


(stop instance)

Stops server instance, returns nil.

Stops server instance, returns nil.
sourceraw docstring

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