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HugSQL in Detail

HugSQL encourages SQL, DDL, and DML statements to be stored in SQL files such that you are not concatenating large strings or needing to use leaky-abstraction DSLs in your Clojure projects.

In order to generate the Clojure functions from your SQL statements, HugSQL requires a simple set of conventions in your SQL files. These conventions allow HugSQL to:

  • define functions by name
  • add docstrings to defined functions
  • determine how to execute (the command type):
    • SQL select
    • DDL create table/index/view, drop ...
    • DML insert, update, delete
    • any other statements (e.g. vacuum analyze)
  • determine the result type:
    • one row (hash-map)
    • many rows (vector of hash-maps)
    • affected rows
    • any other result you implement
  • replace parameters for:
    • Values: where id = :id
    • Value Lists: where id in (:v*:ids)
    • Tuple Lists (for multi-insert): values :tuple*:my-records
    • SQL Identifiers: from :i:table-name
    • SQL Identifier Lists: select :i*:column-names
    • Raw SQL: :sql:my-query

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