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import { hugsqlVersion } from '@site/src/version.js'

Setting an Adapter

Within your Clojure code, you will need to explicitly set the adapter. You can do this globally (i.e., at app startup) with hugsql.core/set-adapter!, or you can specify the :adapter as an option when defining your functions with hugsql.core/def-db-fns, or you can pass in an :adapter option when calling your defined function.

(ns my-app
  (:require [hugsql.core :as hugsql]
            [ :as next-adapter
            [next.jdbc.result-set :as rs]]]))

(defn app-init []
  (hugsql/set-adapter! (next-adapter/hugsql-adapter-next-jdbc)))

;; OR override the :builder-fn behavior
(defn app-init []
  (hugsql/set-adapter! (next-adapter/hugsql-adapter-next-jdbc {:builder-fn result-set/as-unqualified-maps})))


(ns my-db-stuff
  (:require [hugsql.core :as hugsql]
            [ :as next-adapter]))

(hugsql/def-db-fns "path/to/db.sql"
  {:adapter (next-adapter/hugsql-adapter-next-jdbc)})


(ns my-db-stuff
(:require [hugsql.core :as hugsql]
          [ :as next-adapter]))

(def db ;;a db-spec here)

(hugsql/def-db-fns "path/to/db.sql")

(my-query db {:id 1}
  {:adapter (next-adapter/hugsql-adapter-next-jdbc)})

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