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(generate-routes config & {:keys [mocks-path] :or {mocks-path nil}})

Returns an atom of generated router for given mocks endpoints.

These will be gathered from either the

  1. :mocks-path and :config-path from the config path;
  2. solely from the :mocks-path passed directly.

It's important to remember that both config-path and mocks-path are merged during route creation.

Returns an atom of generated router for given mocks endpoints.

These will be gathered from either the

1. `:mocks-path` and `:config-path` from the config path;
2. solely from the `:mocks-path` passed directly.

It's important to remember that both `config-path` and `mocks-path`
are merged during route creation.
sourceraw docstring


(inputs->config {:keys [args opts]} envs)

Adapts input args to a compact config map, used later on by the remaining application modules.

Adapts input args to a compact config map, used later on by the
remaining application modules.
sourceraw docstring

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