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description: Control request rates to your endpoints with configurable limits and windows

Rate Limiting

Moclojer provides built-in rate limiting capabilities to protect your mock endpoints from excessive requests. You can configure rate limits per endpoint with customizable windows and request limits.

Basic Configuration

To add rate limiting to an endpoint, include the rate-limit configuration in your endpoint's metadata:

- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /rate-limited
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
        {"message": "Rate limited endpoint"}
      window-ms: 60000    # 1 minute window
      max-requests: 10    # Allow 10 requests per window
      key-fn: remote-addr # Use client IP as the rate limit key

Configuration Options

  • window-ms: Time window in milliseconds for the rate limit (default: 15 minutes)
  • max-requests: Maximum number of requests allowed within the window (default: 100)
  • key-fn: Function to extract the rate limit key from the request (default: client IP address)

Rate Limit Response Headers

When using rate limiting, Moclojer adds the following headers to responses:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit: Maximum number of requests allowed in the window
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining: Number of requests remaining in the current window
  • X-RateLimit-Reset: Time when the current window expires (Unix timestamp)

Rate Limit Exceeded Response

When a client exceeds the rate limit, they receive a 429 Too Many Requests response:

  "error": "Rate limit exceeded"


Basic Rate Limiting

- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /basic-limit
      status: 200
      body: "OK"
      window-ms: 60000    # 1 minute
      max-requests: 5     # 5 requests per minute

Different Keys for Rate Limiting

You can use different keys to track rate limits. For example, you might want to limit by API key instead of IP address:

- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /api-key-limit
      status: 200
      body: "OK"
      window-ms: 3600000  # 1 hour
      max-requests: 1000  # 1000 requests per hour
      key-fn: api-key     # Use 'api-key' header as the rate limit key

High-Traffic Endpoint

For endpoints that can handle more traffic:

- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /high-traffic
      status: 200
      body: "OK"
      window-ms: 1000     # 1 second
      max-requests: 50    # 50 requests per second

Testing Rate Limits

You can test rate limits using curl:

# First request - should succeed
curl -i http://localhost:8000/rate-limited

# Make multiple requests quickly to see rate limiting in action
for i in {1..20}; do
  curl -i http://localhost:8000/rate-limited

Watch the X-RateLimit-Remaining header decrease and eventually receive a 429 response when the limit is exceeded.

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