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Repository specific query functions

Repository specific query functions
raw docstring


(next-repo-idx conn cust-id repo-id)

Retrieves next repo index, and updates the repo-indices table accordingly. The repo-idx record is fetched for update, so it should work atomically.

Retrieves next repo index, and updates the repo-indices table accordingly.
The repo-idx record is fetched for update, so it should work atomically.
sourceraw docstring


(repo-display-ids conn cust-id)


(repo-for-build-sid conn cust-cuid display-id)

Finds the repository id given a customer cuid and repo display id.

Finds the repository id given a customer cuid and repo display id.
sourceraw docstring


(repos-with-labels conn f)

Selects repositories with labels according to filter f.

Selects repositories with labels according to filter `f`.
sourceraw docstring

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