Functionality specific for Github
Functionality specific for Github
(create-app-build rt {:keys [customer-id id]} payload)
Creates a build as triggered from an app call. This does not originate from a webhook, but rather from a watched repo.
Creates a build as triggered from an app call. This does not originate from a webhook, but rather from a watched repo.
(create-build {st :storage :as rt}
{:keys [customer-id repo-id] :as init-build}
Looks up details for the given github webhook. If the webhook refers to a valid
configuration, a build structure is returned, which will be sent in a build/triggered
event and eventually passed on to a runner. Creating the entity in the database is
up to the event handler, to ensure uniqueness of assigned ids.
Looks up details for the given github webhook. If the webhook refers to a valid configuration, a build structure is returned, which will be sent in a `build/triggered` event and eventually passed on to a runner. Creating the entity in the database is up to the event handler, to ensure uniqueness of assigned ids.
(get-config req)
Lists public github configuration to use
Lists public github configuration to use
Checks if the incoming request is actually a push. Github can also send other types of requests.
Checks if the incoming request is actually a push. Github can also send other types of requests.
Refreshing a token follows the same flow as login, but with a slightly different request to github oauth.
Refreshing a token follows the same flow as login, but with a slightly different request to github oauth.
(refresh-token req)
Refreshes a github token using the refresh token
Refreshes a github token using the refresh token
(request-user-info token)
Fetch github user details in order to get the id and email (although the latter is not strictly necessary). We need the id in order to link the Github user to the MonkeyCI user.
Fetch github user details in order to get the id and email (although the latter is not strictly necessary). We need the id in order to link the Github user to the MonkeyCI user.
(validate-security h & [get-secret])
Middleware that validates the github security header using a fn that retrieves the secret for the request.
Middleware that validates the github security header using a fn that retrieves the secret for the request.
(watch-repo req)
Adds the repository to the watch list for github webhooks. If the repo does not exist, it will be created.
Adds the repository to the watch list for github webhooks. If the repo does not exist, it will be created.
(webhook {p :parameters :as req})
Receives an incoming webhook from Github. This starts the build runner async and returns a 202 accepted.
Receives an incoming webhook from Github. This starts the build runner async and returns a 202 accepted.
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