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(apply-label-filters labels params)

Given a single set of parameters with label filters, checks if the given labels match. If there is at least one filter in the params' :label-filters for which all labels in the conjunction match, this returns true. If the params don't have any labels, this assumes all labels match.

Given a single set of parameters with label filters, checks if the given
labels match.  If there is at least one filter in the params' `:label-filters`
for which all labels in the conjunction match, this returns `true`.  If
the params don't have any labels, this assumes all labels match.
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(filter-by-label repo entities)


(labels->map l)


(matches-labels? f labels)

Predicate that checks if the given labels match filter f. The filter is a list of a list labels and values, where the first level represents a disjunction (logical 'or') and the second a conjunction (logical 'and').

Predicate that checks if the given labels match filter `f`.  The filter
is a list of a list labels and values, where the first level represents a
disjunction (logical 'or') and the second a conjunction (logical 'and').
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(reconcile-labels ex new)

Given db labels and label objects, matches them up to return a map that contains db labels to insert, update and delete. Unchanged labels are ignored. Normally it's not possible to have both labels to insert and to delete, since one of those two will be updated. Note that it is possible to have multiple labels with the same name.

Given db labels and label objects, matches them up to return a map that
contains db labels to insert, update and delete.  Unchanged labels are
ignored.  Normally it's not possible to have both labels to insert and
to delete, since one of those two will be updated.  Note that it is
possible to have multiple labels with the same name.
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