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(exec-script! rt)

Loads a script from a directory and executes it. The script is executed in this same process.

Loads a script from a directory and executes it.  The script is executed in 
this same process.
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(load-jobs rt)

Loads the script and resolves the jobs

Loads the script and resolves the jobs
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(make-client {{:keys [url token]} :api})

Creates an API client function, that can be invoked by build scripts to perform certain operations, like retrieve build parameters. The client uses the token passed by the spawning process to gain access to those resources.

Creates an API client function, that can be invoked by build scripts to 
perform certain operations, like retrieve build parameters.  The client
uses the token passed by the spawning process to gain access to those
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(resolve-jobs p rt)

The build script either returns a list of pipelines, a set of jobs or a function that returns either. This function resolves the jobs by processing the script return value.

The build script either returns a list of pipelines, a set of jobs or a function 
that returns either.  This function resolves the jobs by processing the script
return value.
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(run-all-jobs {:keys [pipeline] :as rt} jobs)

Executes all jobs in the set, in dependency order.

Executes all jobs in the set, in dependency order.
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Wraps the job so any registered extensions get executed.

Wraps the job so any registered extensions get executed.
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cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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