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Logging implementation that sends to Loki. This is useful for the container implementation, where promtail is problematic because it never shuts down.

Logging implementation that sends to Loki.  This is useful for the container
implementation, where promtail is problematic because it never shuts down.
raw docstring


(post-lines lines {:keys [labels] :as conf})

Converts lines to a usable stream config for Loki and sends them out

Converts lines to a usable stream config for Loki and sends them out
sourceraw docstring


(post-or-acc l acc {:keys [threshold now] :as conf})

Either posts all accumulated lines, or adds it to the list, depending on configuration.

Either posts all accumulated lines, or adds it to the list, depending
on configuration.
sourceraw docstring


(post-to-loki {:keys [url tenant-id token]} streams)

Posts the given log streams to the configured endpoint

Posts the given log streams to the configured endpoint
sourceraw docstring


(stream-to-loki reader conf)

Pipes the given reader to Loki asynchronously. Stops when the reader is closed. Returns a deferred that resolves when the streaming stops.

Pipes the given reader to Loki asynchronously.  Stops when the reader is
closed.  Returns a deferred that resolves when the streaming stops.
sourceraw docstring

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