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Oracle cloud specific functionality

Oracle cloud specific functionality
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(->oci-config {:keys [credentials] :as conf})

Given a configuration map with credentials, turns it into a config map that can be passed to OCI context creators.

Given a configuration map with credentials, turns it into a config map
that can be passed to OCI context creators.
sourceraw docstring


(base-work-dir rt)

Determines the base work dir to use inside the container

Determines the base work dir to use inside the container
sourceraw docstring




(checkout-subdir n)

Returns the path for n as a subdir of the checkout dir

Returns the path for `n` as a subdir of the checkout dir
sourceraw docstring




(config-entry n v)

Creates an entry config for a volume, where the contents are base64 encoded.

Creates an entry config for a volume, where the contents are base64 encoded.
sourceraw docstring






(find-mount c n)

Finds mount with given volume name in the container

Finds mount with given volume name in the container
sourceraw docstring


(find-volume ci n)

Finds volume with given name in the container instance

Finds volume with given name in the container instance
sourceraw docstring


(get-full-instance-details client id)

Retrieves full container instance details by retrieving the container instance information, and fetching container details as well.

Retrieves full container instance details by retrieving the container instance 
information, and fetching container details as well.
sourceraw docstring


(group-credentials conf)

Assuming the conf is taken from env, groups all keys that start with credentials- into the :credentials submap.

Assuming the conf is taken from env, groups all keys that start with `credentials-`
into the `:credentials` submap.
sourceraw docstring


(instance-config conf)

Generates a skeleton instance configuration, generated from the oci configuration.

Generates a skeleton instance configuration, generated from the oci configuration.
sourceraw docstring




(normalize-config conf k)

Normalizes the given OCI config key, by grouping the credentials both in the given key and in the oci key, and merging them.

Normalizes the given OCI config key, by grouping the credentials both in the given key
and in the `oci` key, and merging them.
sourceraw docstring


(poll-for-completion {:keys [get-details poll-interval post-event instance-id]
                      :as c
                      :or {poll-interval 10000 post-event (constantly true)}})

Starts an async poll loop that waits until the container instance has completed. Returns a deferred that holds the last response received.

Starts an async poll loop that waits until the container instance has completed.
Returns a deferred that holds the last response received.
sourceraw docstring


(run-instance client instance-config & [{:keys [delete? exited?] :as opts}])

Creates and starts a container instance using the given config, and then waits for it to terminate. Returns a deferred that will hold the full container instance state on completion, including the container details.

The exited? option should be a function that accepts the instance id and returns a deferred with the container instance status when it exits. If not provided, a basic polling loop will be used. Not that using extensive polling may lead to 429 errors from OCI.

Creates and starts a container instance using the given config, and then
waits for it to terminate.  Returns a deferred that will hold the full container
instance state on completion, including the container details.  

The `exited?` option should be a function that accepts the instance id and returns 
a deferred with the container instance status when it exits.  If not provided, a 
basic polling loop will be used.  Not that using extensive polling may lead to 429 
errors from OCI.
sourceraw docstring


(sid->tags sid)


(stream-to-bucket conf in)

Pipes an input stream to a bucket object using multipart uploads. Returns a deferred that will resolve when the upload completes. That is, when the input stream closes, or an error occurs.

Pipes an input stream to a bucket object using multipart uploads.
Returns a deferred that will resolve when the upload completes.
That is, when the input stream closes, or an error occurs.
sourceraw docstring





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