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(default-death-handler _error-service-config job ex)

Sample death handler of a Job.
Called when a job dies, i.e. fails & has exhausted retries.
Logs exception & job details.

Sample death handler of a Job.\
Called when a job dies, i.e. fails & has exhausted retries.\
Logs exception & job details.
sourceraw docstring


(default-error-handler _error-service-config job ex)

Sample error handler of a Job.
Called when a job fails.
Logs exception & job details.

Sample error handler of a Job.\
Called when a job fails.\
Logs exception & job details.
sourceraw docstring


Map of sample configs for error handling & retries.
A Job is considered to fail when it throws an exception during execution.
A Job is considered dead when it has exhausted max-retries

Mandatory Keys

:max-retries : Number of times to retry before marking a Job as dead.

:retry-delay-sec-fn-sym : A fully-qualified function symbol to calculate backoff time in seconds before retrying a Job.
Takes retry-count as input & returns backoff-seconds as a positive integer.
Example : default-retry-delay-sec

:error-handler-fn-sym : A fully-qualified function symbol called when a Job fails.
Takes error-service-config, job & exception as input.
Example : default-error-handler

:death-handler-fn-sym : A fully-qualified function symbol called when a Job dies.
Takes error-service-config, job & exception as input.
Example : default-death-handler

:skip-dead-queue : Boolean flag for skipping Dead Jobs queue.

Optional Keys

:retry-queue : Optional queue for retrying failed jobs in a separate queue.
This helps increase/decrease priority of retrying failed jobs.
Note: When using different retry queue, remember to start a worker process for that.

Map of sample configs for error handling & retries.\
A Job is considered to fail when it throws an exception during execution.\
A Job is considered dead when it has exhausted `max-retries`

#### Mandatory Keys
`:max-retries`            : Number of times to retry before marking a Job as dead.

`:retry-delay-sec-fn-sym` : A fully-qualified function symbol to calculate backoff
 time in seconds before retrying a Job.\
Takes `retry-count` as input & returns backoff-seconds as a positive integer.\
*Example*                 : [[default-retry-delay-sec]]

`:error-handler-fn-sym`   : A fully-qualified function symbol called when a Job fails.\
Takes `error-service-config`, `job` & `exception` as input.\
*Example*                 : [[default-error-handler]]

`:death-handler-fn-sym`   : A fully-qualified function symbol called when a Job dies.\
Takes `error-service-config`, `job` & `exception` as input.\
*Example*                 : [[default-death-handler]]

`:skip-dead-queue`        : Boolean flag for skipping Dead Jobs queue.

#### Optional Keys
`:retry-queue`            : Optional queue for retrying failed jobs in a separate queue.\
This helps increase/decrease priority of retrying failed jobs.\
**Note**: When using different retry queue, remember to start a worker process for that.
sourceraw docstring


(default-retry-delay-sec retry-count)

Calculates backoff seconds before a failed Job is retried.

Calculates backoff seconds before a failed Job is retried.
sourceraw docstring

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