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(decode o)

Deserializes a frozen Nippy byte array to its original Clojure data type.
To thaw custom types, extend the Clojure reader or use taoensso.nippy/extend-thaw.

Deserializes a frozen Nippy byte array to its original Clojure data type.\
To thaw custom types, extend the Clojure reader or use `taoensso.nippy/extend-thaw`.
sourceraw docstring


(decode-from-str x)

Deserialize from a frozen Nippy string to its original Clojure data type.

Deserialize from a frozen Nippy string to its original Clojure data type.
sourceraw docstring


(encode x)

Serializes input to a byte array using taoensso.nippy/freeze.
To freeze custom types, extend the Clojure reader or use taoensso.nippy/extend-freeze.

Serializes input to a byte array using `taoensso.nippy/freeze`.\
To freeze custom types, extend the Clojure reader or use `taoensso.nippy/extend-freeze`.
sourceraw docstring


(encode-to-str x)

Serializes input to string using taoensso.nippy/freeze-to-string

Serializes input to string using `taoensso.nippy/freeze-to-string`
sourceraw docstring

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