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Defines protocol for Message Broker of Goose.

Defines protocol for Message Broker of Goose.
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Protocol that message brokers should implement in order to facilitate transfers between producer & consumer, AKA application client & worker.

Protocol that message brokers should implement
in order to facilitate transfers between
producer & consumer, AKA application client & worker.
- [Guide to Message Broker Integration](


(handler this req)

Handler for console

Handler for console


(scheduled-jobs-size this)

Returns count of Scheduled Jobs.

Returns count of Scheduled Jobs.


(dead-jobs-find-by-pattern this match? limit)

Finds a Dead Jobs by user-defined parameters.

Finds a Dead Jobs by user-defined parameters.


(enqueued-jobs-delete this job)

Deletes given Job from its queue.

Deletes given Job from its queue.


(schedule this schedule-epoch-ms job)

Schedules a Job for execution at given epoch-ms.

Schedules a Job for execution at given epoch-ms.


(enqueued-jobs-find-by-id this queue id)

Finds a Job by :id in given queue.

Finds a Job by `:id` in given queue.


(cron-jobs-delete this entry-name)

Deletes Cron Entry & Cron-Scheduled Job of given :name.

Deletes Cron Entry & Cron-Scheduled Job of given `:name`.


(scheduled-jobs-find-by-id this id)

Finds a Scheduled Job by :id.

Finds a Scheduled Job by `:id`.


(scheduled-jobs-delete this job)

Deletes given Scheduled Job.

Deletes given Scheduled Job.


(enqueued-jobs-purge this queue)

Purges all the Jobs in given queue.

Purges all the Jobs in given queue.


(dead-jobs-replay-n-jobs this n)

Re-enqueues n oldest Dead Jobs to front of queue for execution.

Re-enqueues n oldest Dead Jobs to front of queue for execution.


(enqueued-jobs-prioritise-execution this job)

Brings a Job anywhere in the queue to front of queue.

Brings a Job anywhere in the queue to front of queue.


(dead-jobs-size this)

Returns count of Dead Jobs.

Returns count of Dead Jobs.


(scheduled-jobs-purge this)

Purges all the Scheduled Jobs.

Purges all the Scheduled Jobs.


(register-cron this cron-opts job-description)

Registers a function for recurring execution in cron-jobs style.

Registers a function for recurring execution in cron-jobs style.


(enqueue-batch this batch)

Enqueues a Batch of Jobs for async execution.

Enqueues a Batch of Jobs for async execution.


(enqueue this job)

Enqueues a Job for async execution.

Enqueues a Job for async execution.


(dead-jobs-pop this)

Pops the oldest Dead Job from the queue & returns it.

Pops the oldest Dead Job from the queue & returns it.


(dead-jobs-replay-job this job)

Re-enqueues given Dead Job to front of queue for execution.

Re-enqueues given Dead Job to front of queue for execution.


(batch-delete this id)

Deletes given Batch and its jobs.

Deletes given Batch and its jobs.


(enqueued-jobs-find-by-pattern this queue match? limit)

Finds a Job by user-defined parameters in given queue.

Finds a Job by user-defined parameters in given queue.


(scheduled-jobs-prioritise-execution this job)

Enqueues a Job scheduled to run at anytime to front of queue.

Enqueues a Job scheduled to run at anytime to front of queue.


(cron-jobs-purge this)

Purges all the Cron Entries & Cron-Scheduled Jobs.

Purges all the Cron Entries & Cron-Scheduled Jobs.


(enqueued-jobs-size this queue)

Returns count of Jobs in given queue.

Returns count of Jobs in given queue.


(dead-jobs-delete this job)

Deletes given Dead Job.

Deletes given Dead Job.


(dead-jobs-delete-older-than this epoch-ms)

Deletes Dead Jobs older than given epoch-ms.

Deletes Dead Jobs older than given epoch-ms.


(cron-jobs-size this)

Returns count of Cron Entries.

Returns count of Cron Entries.


(scheduled-jobs-find-by-pattern this match? limit)

Finds a Scheduled Jobs by user-defined parameters.

Finds a Scheduled Jobs by user-defined parameters.


(start-worker this worker-opts)

Starts a worker process that does multiple things:

  • Dequeue & execute jobs from given queue
  • Enqueue scheduled jobs due for execution
  • Enqueue cron jobs due for execution
  • Retry failed jobs & mark them as dead when retries are exhausted
  • Run checks & replay orphan jobs
  • Send metrics around Job execution & state of message broker

Some tasks are message-broker specific & need not be implemented by all workers.
For instance, RabbitMQ natively supports scheduled jobs & orphan handling,
and it need not be explicitly implemented by its worker.

Starts a worker process that does multiple things:
- Dequeue & execute jobs from given queue
- Enqueue scheduled jobs due for execution
- Enqueue cron jobs due for execution
- Retry failed jobs & mark them as dead when retries are exhausted
- Run checks & replay orphan jobs
- Send metrics around Job execution & state of message broker

Some tasks are message-broker specific & need not be implemented by all workers.\
For instance, RabbitMQ natively supports scheduled jobs & orphan handling,\
and it need not be explicitly implemented by its worker.


(cron-jobs-find-by-name this entry-name)

Finds a Cron Entry by :name.

Finds a Cron Entry by `:name`.


(batch-status this id)

Finds a Batch by :id

Finds a Batch by `:id`


(dead-jobs-find-by-id this id)

Finds a Dead Job by :id.

Finds a Dead Job by `:id`.


(enqueued-jobs-list-all-queues this)

Lists all the queues.

Lists all the queues.


(dead-jobs-purge this)

Purges all the Dead Jobs.

Purges all the Dead Jobs.
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