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Functions for executing jobs in async, scheduled, batches or cron fashion.

Functions for executing jobs in async, scheduled, batches or cron fashion.
raw docstring


Map of sample configs for producing jobs.


:broker : Message broker that transfers message from Producer to Consumer.
Given value must implement protocol.
Message Broker wiki

:queue : Destination where client produces to & worker consumes from.
Example : goose.defaults/default-queue

:retry-opts : Configuration for handling Job failure.
Example : goose.retry/default-opts
Error Handling & Retries wiki

Map of sample configs for producing jobs.

### Keys
`:broker`     : Message broker that transfers message from Producer to Consumer.\
Given value must implement [[]] protocol.\
[Message Broker wiki](

`:queue`      : Destination where client produces to & worker consumes from.\
*Example*     : [[goose.defaults/default-queue]]

`:retry-opts` : Configuration for handling Job failure.\
*Example*     : [[goose.retry/default-opts]]\
[Error Handling & Retries wiki](
sourceraw docstring


(perform-async opts execute-fn-sym & args)

Enqueues a function for async execution.


client-opts : Map of :broker, :queue & :retry-opts.
Example : default-opts

execute-fn-sym : A fully-qualified function symbol called by worker.
Example : `my-fn, `ns-alias/my-fn, 'fully-qualified-ns/my-fn

args : Variadic values provided in given order when invoking execute-fn-sym.
Given values must be serializable by ptaoussanis/nippy.


(perform-async client-opts `send-emails "subject" "body" [:user-1 :user-2])
Enqueues a function for async execution.

### Args
`client-opts`    : Map of `:broker`, `:queue` & `:retry-opts`.\
*Example*        : [[default-opts]]

`execute-fn-sym` : A fully-qualified function symbol called by worker.\
*Example*        : `` `my-fn ``, `` `ns-alias/my-fn ``, `'fully-qualified-ns/my-fn`

`args`           : Variadic values provided in given order when invoking `execute-fn-sym`.\
 Given values must be serializable by `ptaoussanis/nippy`.

### Usage
(perform-async client-opts `send-emails "subject" "body" [:user-1 :user-2])

- [Getting Started wiki](
sourceraw docstring


(perform-at opts instant execute-fn-sym & args)

Schedules a function for execution at given date & time.


client-opts : Map of :broker, :queue & :retry-opts.
Example : default-opts

^Instant instant : java.time.Instant at which job should be executed.

execute-fn-sym : A fully-qualified function symbol called by worker.
Example : `my-fn, `ns-alias/my-fn, 'fully-qualified-ns/my-fn

args : Variadic values provided in given order when invoking execute-fn-sym.
Given values must be serializable by ptaoussanis/nippy.


(let [instant (java.time.Instant/parse "2022-10-31T18:46:09.00Z")]
  (perform-at client-opts instant `send-emails "subject" "body" [:user-1 :user-2]))
Schedules a function for execution at given date & time.

### Args
`client-opts`      : Map of `:broker`, `:queue` & `:retry-opts`.\
*Example*          : [[default-opts]]

`^Instant instant` : `java.time.Instant` at which job should be executed.

`execute-fn-sym`   : A fully-qualified function symbol called by worker.\
*Example*          : `` `my-fn ``, `` `ns-alias/my-fn ``, `'fully-qualified-ns/my-fn`

`args`             : Variadic values provided in given order when invoking `execute-fn-sym`.\
 Given values must be serializable by `ptaoussanis/nippy`.

 ### Usage
 (let [instant (java.time.Instant/parse "2022-10-31T18:46:09.00Z")]
   (perform-at client-opts instant `send-emails "subject" "body" [:user-1 :user-2]))

 - [Scheduled Jobs wiki](
sourceraw docstring


(perform-batch opts batch-opts execute-fn-sym args-coll)

Enqueues a collection of Jobs for execution in parallel, and tracks them as a single entity. Reports status of a batch via a callback when all Jobs have reached terminal state.


client-opts : Map of :broker, :queue & :retry-opts.
Example : default-opts

batch-opts : Map of :callback-fn-sym, :linger-sec.
Example : goose.batch/default-opts

execute-fn-sym : A fully-qualified function symbol called by worker.
Example : `my-fn, `ns-alias/my-fn, 'fully-qualified-ns/my-fn

args-coll : A sequential collection of args. Args must be represented as a sequential collection too. This collection is iterated upon for creating Batch-Jobs.
Number of Jobs in a Batch is equal to the number of elements in args-coll.
Given values must be serializable by ptaoussanis/nippy.
Example : [[1] [2] [:foo :bar] [{:some :map}]]


(let [batch-opts goose.batch/default-opts
      ;; For single-arity functions
      args [1 2 3 4 5]
      args-coll (map list args)
      ;; For multi-arity or variadic functions
      args-coll (-> []
                    (goose.batch/construct-args :foo :bar :baz)
                    (goose.batch/construct-args :fizz :buzz))]
  (perform-batch client-opts batch-opts `send-emails args-coll))
Enqueues a collection of Jobs for execution in parallel,
 and tracks them as a single entity. Reports status of a batch
 via a callback when all Jobs have reached terminal state.

### Args
`client-opts`    : Map of `:broker`, `:queue` & `:retry-opts`.\
*Example*        : [[default-opts]]

`batch-opts`     : Map of `:callback-fn-sym`, `:linger-sec`.\
*Example*        : [[goose.batch/default-opts]]

`execute-fn-sym` : A fully-qualified function symbol called by worker.\
*Example*        : `` `my-fn ``, `` `ns-alias/my-fn ``, `'fully-qualified-ns/my-fn`

`args-coll`      : A sequential collection of args. Args must be represented as a
sequential collection too. This collection is iterated upon for creating Batch-Jobs.\
Number of Jobs in a Batch is equal to the number of elements in args-coll.\
Given values must be serializable by `ptaoussanis/nippy`.\
*Example*        : `[[1] [2] [:foo :bar] [{:some :map}]]`

### Usage
(let [batch-opts goose.batch/default-opts
      ;; For single-arity functions
      args [1 2 3 4 5]
      args-coll (map list args)
      ;; For multi-arity or variadic functions
      args-coll (-> []
                    (goose.batch/construct-args :foo :bar :baz)
                    (goose.batch/construct-args :fizz :buzz))]
  (perform-batch client-opts batch-opts `send-emails args-coll))

- [Batch Jobs wiki](
sourceraw docstring


(perform-every opts cron-opts execute-fn-sym & args)

Registers a function for recurring execution in cron-jobs style.
perform-every is idempotent.
If a cron entry already exists with the same name, it will be overwritten with new data.


client-opts : Map of :broker, :queue & :retry-opts.
Example : default-opts

cron-opts : Map of :cron-name, :cron-schedule, :timezone.

  • :cron-name (Mandatory)
    • Unique identifier of a cron job
  • :cron-schedule (Mandatory)
    • Unix-style schedule
  • :timezone (Optional)
    • Timezone for executing the Job at schedule
    • Acceptable timezones: (java.time.ZoneId/getAvailableZoneIds)
    • Defaults to system timezone

execute-fn-sym : A fully-qualified function symbol called by worker.
Example : `my-fn, `ns-alias/my-fn, 'fully-qualified-ns/my-fn

args : Variadic values provided in given order when invoking execute-fn-sym.
Given values must be serializable by ptaoussanis/nippy.


(let [cron-opts {:cron-name     "my-cron-job"
                 :cron-schedule "0 10 15 * *"
                 :timezone      "US/Pacific"}]
  (perform-every client-opts cron-opts `send-emails "subject" "body" [:user-1 :user-2]))
Registers a function for recurring execution in cron-jobs style.\
`perform-every` is idempotent.\
If a cron entry already exists with the same name, it will be overwritten with new data.

### Args
`client-opts`    : Map of `:broker`, `:queue` & `:retry-opts`.\
*Example*        : [[default-opts]]

`cron-opts`      : Map of `:cron-name`, `:cron-schedule`, `:timezone`.
- `:cron-name` (Mandatory)
  - Unique identifier of a cron job
- `:cron-schedule` (Mandatory)
  - Unix-style schedule
- `:timezone` (Optional)
  - Timezone for executing the Job at schedule
  - Acceptable timezones: `(java.time.ZoneId/getAvailableZoneIds)`
  - Defaults to system timezone

`execute-fn-sym` : A fully-qualified function symbol called by worker.\
*Example*        : `` `my-fn ``, `` `ns-alias/my-fn ``, `'fully-qualified-ns/my-fn`

`args`           : Variadic values provided in given order when invoking `execute-fn-sym`.\
 Given values must be serializable by `ptaoussanis/nippy`.

### Usage
(let [cron-opts {:cron-name     "my-cron-job"
                 :cron-schedule "0 10 15 * *"
                 :timezone      "US/Pacific"}]
  (perform-every client-opts cron-opts `send-emails "subject" "body" [:user-1 :user-2]))

- [Cron Jobs wiki](
sourceraw docstring


(perform-in-sec opts sec execute-fn-sym & args)

Schedules a function for execution with a delay of given seconds.


client-opts : Map of :broker, :queue & :retry-opts.
Example : default-opts

sec : Delay of Job execution in seconds.

execute-fn-sym : A fully-qualified function symbol called by worker.
Example : `my-fn, `ns-alias/my-fn, 'fully-qualified-ns/my-fn

args : Variadic values provided in given order when invoking execute-fn-sym.
Given values must be serializable by ptaoussanis/nippy.


(perform-in-sec default-opts 300 `send-emails "subject" "body" [:user-1 :user-2])
Schedules a function for execution with a delay of given seconds.

### Args
`client-opts`    : Map of `:broker`, `:queue` & `:retry-opts`.\
*Example*        : [[default-opts]]

`sec`            : Delay of Job execution in seconds.

`execute-fn-sym` : A fully-qualified function symbol called by worker.\
*Example*        : `` `my-fn ``, `` `ns-alias/my-fn ``, `'fully-qualified-ns/my-fn`

`args`           : Variadic values provided in given order when invoking `execute-fn-sym`.\
 Given values must be serializable by `ptaoussanis/nippy`.

 ### Usage
 (perform-in-sec default-opts 300 `send-emails "subject" "body" [:user-1 :user-2])

- [Scheduled Jobs wiki](
sourceraw docstring

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