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Hash map utils

Hash map utils
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(deep-merge-with f & maps)

Like merge-with, but merges maps recursively, applying the given fn only when there's a non-map at a particular level.

(deepmerge + {:a {:b {:c 1 :d {:x 1 :y 2}} :e 3} :f 4} {:a {:b {:c 2 :d {:z 9} :z 3} :e 100}}) -> {:a {:b {:z 3, :c 3, :d {:z 9, :x 1, :y 2}}, :e 103}, :f 4}

Like merge-with, but merges maps recursively, applying the given fn
only when there's a non-map at a particular level.

(deepmerge + {:a {:b {:c 1 :d {:x 1 :y 2}} :e 3} :f 4}
             {:a {:b {:c 2 :d {:z 9} :z 3} :e 100}})
-> {:a {:b {:z 3, :c 3, :d {:z 9, :x 1, :y 2}}, :e 103}, :f 4}
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