String utilities
Follows design notes from clojure.string
String utilities Follows design notes from clojure.string
(quoted s)
Add quotes to the argument s as a string
Add quotes to the argument s as a string
(substring s n)
(substring s n m)
The one index version drops first n characters from s. Returns an empty string if n is greater than the length of s.
The two index version returns a substring between the two indices.
(substring "test" 1) => "est"
(substring "test" 1 3) => "es"
The one index version drops first n characters from s. Returns an empty string if n is greater than the length of s. The two index version returns a substring between the two indices. (substring "test" 1) => "est" (substring "test" 1 3) => "es"
(underscore s)
Replace all occurances of - with _
Replace all occurances of - with _
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