(attribute-available? {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys [index-oir]} k)
Check if some attribute is known in the index, this checks uses the index-oir.
Check if some attribute is known in the index, this checks uses the index-oir.
(attribute-reachable? env available-data attr)
Discover which attributes are available, given an index and a data context.
Discover which attributes are available, given an index and a data context.
(attrs-multi-deps {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys [index-attributes]}
(index-attributes {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.operation/keys [op-name requires
provides output]
:as op})
This is an extensible gateway so you can define different strategies for merging different kinds of indexes.
This is an extensible gateway so you can define different strategies for merging different kinds of indexes.
(merge-indexes ia ib)
Merge index ib in index ia.
Merge index ib in index ia.
(mutation {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys [index-mutations]}
(mutation-config {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys [index-mutations]}
Given a indexes map and a mutation sym, returns the mutation configuration map.
Given a indexes map and a mutation sym, returns the mutation configuration map.
(reachable-attributes {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys [index-io]
:as env}
Discover which attributes are available, given an index and a data context.
Also includes the attributes from available-data.
Discover which attributes are available, given an index and a data context. Also includes the attributes from available-data.
(reachable-attributes* {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys [index-io]
:as env}
(reachable-attributes-for-groups* {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys
(reachable-paths {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys [index-io] :as env}
Discover which paths are available, given an index and a data context.
Also includes the attributes from available-data.
Discover which paths are available, given an index and a data context. Also includes the attributes from available-data.
(reachable-paths* {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys [index-io] :as env}
(reachable-paths-for-groups* {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys
(register operation-or-operations)
(register indexes operation-or-operations-or-indexes)
Add an operation to the indexes. The operation value supports some different types:
Resolver: adds a single resolver Mutation: adds a single mutation Map: assumes it is a map containing indexes, merges in using merge-indexes functionality Sequential: a vector containing any of the operators (including other sequentials)
Add an operation to the indexes. The operation value supports some different types: Resolver: adds a single resolver Mutation: adds a single mutation Map: assumes it is a map containing indexes, merges in using merge-indexes functionality Sequential: a vector containing any of the operators (including other sequentials)
(resolver {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys [index-resolvers]}
(resolver-config {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys [index-resolvers]}
Given a indexes map and a resolver sym, returns the resolver configuration map.
Given a indexes map and a resolver sym, returns the resolver configuration map.
(resolver-optionals env resolver-sym)
Get the resolver provides from the resolver configuration map
Get the resolver provides from the resolver configuration map
(resolver-provides env resolver-sym)
Get the resolver provides from the resolver configuration map
Get the resolver provides from the resolver configuration map
(transient-attr? {:com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes/keys [transient-attrs]}
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