Helpers to manipulate EQL.
Helpers to manipulate EQL.
(ast-contains-wildcard? {:keys [children]})
Check if some of the AST children is the wildcard value, which is *.
Check if some of the AST children is the wildcard value, which is *.
(cacheable-ast node)
Transform the AST to remove specific values from idents. This is useful to use the AST as a cache key that doesn't change with the ident value (which is not impactful for planning for example).
The current implementation does it by removing :key
from the children at root level.
Transform the AST to remove specific values from idents. This is useful to use the AST as a cache key that doesn't change with the ident value (which is not impactful for planning for example). The current implementation does it by removing `:key` from the children at root level.
(data->query data)
Helper function to transform a data into an output shape.
Helper function to transform a data into an output shape.
(ident-key key)
When key is an ident, return the first part of it. Otherwise returns nil.
When key is an ident, return the first part of it. Otherwise returns nil.
(map-select env source tx)
Starting from a map, do a EQL selection on that map. Think of this function as a power up version of select-keys.
Example: (p/map-select {:foo "bar" :deep {:a 1 :b 2}} [{:deep [:a]}]) => {:deep {:a 1}}
Starting from a map, do a EQL selection on that map. Think of this function as a power up version of select-keys. Example: (p/map-select {:foo "bar" :deep {:a 1 :b 2}} [{:deep [:a]}]) => {:deep {:a 1}}
(map-select-ast {:com.wsscode.pathom3.format.eql/keys [map-select-include]
:as env}
Same as map-select, but using AST as source.
Same as map-select, but using AST as source.
(maybe-merge-union-ast ast)
Check if AST entry is a union, if so it computes a new AST entry by combining all union paths as a single entry.
Check if AST entry is a union, if so it computes a new AST entry by combining all union paths as a single entry.
(merge-asts q)
(merge-asts qa qb)
Merges two ast's the difference between this and the original merge-ast is related to params, the original implementation would return nil when there is a mismatch in params between the entries being merged. This version will merge the params.
Merges two ast's the difference between this and the original merge-ast is related to params, the original implementation would return nil when there is a mismatch in params between the entries being merged. This version will merge the params.
(merge-queries qa qb)
Merges two queries, the difference between this and the original merge is related to params, the original implementation would return nil when there is a mismatch in params between the entries being merged. This version will merge the params.
Merges two queries, the difference between this and the original merge is related to params, the original implementation would return nil when there is a mismatch in params between the entries being merged. This version will merge the params.
(pick-union-entry ast m)
Check if ast children is a union type. If so, makes a decision to choose a path and return that AST.
Check if ast children is a union type. If so, makes a decision to choose a path and return that AST.
(query-root-properties query)
Returns a vector with the properties at the root of the query.
For example:
(query-root-properties [{:a [:b]} :c]) => [:a :c]
In case the query is a union query, it will merge the roots of then will merge:
(query-root-properties {:foo [{:a [:b]} :c] :bar [:a :d]}) => [:a :c :d]
Returns a vector with the properties at the root of the query. For example: (query-root-properties [{:a [:b]} :c]) => [:a :c] In case the query is a union query, it will merge the roots of then will merge: (query-root-properties {:foo [{:a [:b]} :c] :bar [:a :d]}) => [:a :c :d]
(select-stats-data x)
Filter X to keep only values that are relevant for running stats.
Filter X to keep only values that are relevant for running stats.
(stats-value? x)
Check if a value is a map with a run stats, or a sequence containing items with run stats
Check if a value is a map with a run stats, or a sequence containing items with run stats
(union->root ast)
Convert a union entry to a root.
Convert a union entry to a root.
(union-children ast)
Get union children when its an union, otherwise return nil.
Get union children when its an union, otherwise return nil.
(union-children? ast)
Given an AST point, check if the children is a union query type.
Given an AST point, check if the children is a union query type.
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