(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory/getLogger "xtdb.query")
(.setLevel (ch.qos.logback.classic.Level/valueOf "debug")))
If you want the smallest on-disk configuration, you can use the Quickstart Guide (5 minutes).
If you just want to see XTDB running in-memory without writing any code, try the Command Line XTDB Guide (10 minutes).
If you want a battle-ready on-disk setup with Kafka, try the XTDB on Confluent Cloud Guide (5 minutes).
Not at all. Many users don’t have an immediate use for business-level time travel queries, in which case transaction time is typically regarded as "enough". However, use of valid time also enables operational advantages such as backfilling and other simple methods for migrating data between live systems in ways that isn’t easy when relying on transaction time alone (i.e. where logs must be replayed, merged and truncated to achieve the same effect). Therefore, it is sensible to use valid time in case you have these operational needs in the future. Valid time is recorded by default whenever you submit transactions.
You need to add a logback-classic
dependency to your project.clj
/ deps.edn
and then create a logback.xml
file. Set your log level to "INFO".
Look for code examples and config examples in the XTDB repo.
If you want to see the gritty details, turn your log level up to "DEBUG" for the xtdb.query
namespace in a similar way. Try using the following snippet at the REPL:
(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory/getLogger "xtdb.query")
(.setLevel (ch.qos.logback.classic.Level/valueOf "debug")))
If you are writing acceptance, integration, or end-to-end tests which require an active XTDB node in the mix, you can rely on an in-memory node that you spin up in the tests themselves. There are examples of such tests in the tutorial source and in the crux-core tests themselves.
A uniqueness constraint can be handled 3 ways:
Encode the unique value in the ID (e.g. store the value(s) in a string ID, or use a map ID) of an entity representing that value, with a reference to the other entity that currently "owns" the value.
Use ::xt/match, however this takes time to confirm successful assertions and when there is contention you need to implement retry logic at each client.
Use a transaction function. This is slower still, though at least avoids the need to worry about contention & retrying. You can also express very complex constraints in these functions.
XTDB imposes very few constraints on the user. How different systems model entities is
therefore very flexible — including the option of "no modelling at all," in the case
of ingesting unstructured data. XTDB stores schemaless documents and queries them with
EAV triples. The only strict constraint is that every document must contain a
The only constraint XTDB places on entity ids (:xt/id
) is that they must be
unique. They can be of any type.
Care should be taken when deciding on the type and structure of an entity id.
If you are building on top of a legacy system and/or legacy data, you may already
have unique identifiers you can reuse. For new systems (or for old data with
new identifiers), many users choose UUIDs, like so:
{:xt/id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)
:product/sku "KS93528TUT"}]]
XTDB puts no constraints on how you name your attributes. However, many users do
find they prefer to model their keys in a :type/attr
format. In SQL
database terms, the type
namespace loosely corresponds to a table and the attr
name loosely corresponds to a column. An example of this sort of modeling might look
like this:
{:xt/id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)
:user/username "satoshi"
:user/full-name "Satoshi Nakamoto"
:user/dob (java.time.Instant/parse "1975-04-05T00:00:00.00Z")}]]
XTDB puts no constraints on "types" and, as a schemaless database, has no notion of
"types" regarding the shapes of documents you save. However, some users find it
useful to track a type
attribute for their own purposes. The following example is
not necessarily a recommended approach unless it is needed and it may cause a
performance bottleneck on XTDB versions prior to 1.17.1
. In the example
below, :my.custom.ns
is an example namespace which would likely correspond to
the name of the system using XTDB. There is no relationship between the "type" of
and the attribute :user/name
. The type is only for the user’s own
{:xt/id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)
:my.custom.ns/type :user
:user/name "satoshi"}]]
see other operations within its transaction?Yes. Just as one would expect from SQL transactions, operations performed within the
scope of the transaction are seen by other operations within the transaction. What
this means in practice is that the match
operation in the following code does
not match, due to the put
operation immediately preceding it:
(with-open [node (xt/start-node {})]
[[::xt/put {:xt/id :a, :a "a"}]])
; This won't match. Either the match should come first or it should match :a "b"
[[::xt/put {:xt/id :a, :a "b"}]
[::xt/match :a {:xt/id :a, :a "a"}]])
(xt/sync node)
(xt/entity (xt/db node) :a)) ; {:xt/id :a, :a "a"}
Thank you to Jacob O’Bryant for this example.
Datalog is a well-established deductive query language that combines facts
and rules during execution to achieve the same power as relational algebra
recursion (e.g. SQL with Common Table Expressions). Datalog makes heavy use of
efficient joins over granular indexes which removes any need for thinking about
upfront normalisation and query shapes. Datalog already has significant
traction in both industry and academia.
The EdgeDB team wrote a popular blog post outlining the shortcomings of SQL and Datalog is the only broadly-proven alternative. Additionally the use of EDN Datalog from Clojure makes queries "much more programmable" than the equivalent of building SQL strings in any other language, as explained in this blog post.
We offer a module providing some limited SQL support using Apache Calcite - read more about it here.
At a high level XTDB is bitemporal, document-centric, schemaless, and designed to work with Kafka as an "unbundled" database. Bitemporality provides a user-assigned "valid time" axis for point-in-time queries in addition to the underlying system-assigned "transaction time". The main similarities are that both systems support EDN Datalog queries (though they not compatible), are written using Clojure, and provide elegant use of the database "as a value".
In the excellent talk "Deconstructing the Database" by Rich Hickey, he outlines many core principles that informed the design of both Datomic and XTDB:
Declarative programming is ideal
SQL is the most popular declarative programming language but most SQL databases do not provide a consistent "basis" for running these declarative queries because they do not store and maintain views of historical data by default
Client-server considerations should not affect how queries are constructed
Recording history is valuable
All systems should clearly separate reaction and perception: a transactional component that accepts novelty and passes it to an indexer that integrates novelty into the indexed view of the world (reaction) + a query support component that accepts questions and uses the indexes to answer the questions quickly (perception)
Traditionally a database was a big complicated thing, it was a special thing, and you only had one. You would communicate to it with a foreign language, such as SQL strings. These are legacy design choices
Questions dominate in most applications, or in other words, most applications are read-oriented. Therefore arbitrary read-scalability is a more general problem to address than arbitrary write-scalability (if you need arbitrary write-scalability then you inevitably have to sacrifice system-wide transactions and consistent queries)
Using a cache for a database is not simple and should never be viewed an architectural necessity: "When does the cache get invalidated? It’s your problem!"
The relational model makes it challenging to record historical data for evolving domains and therefore SQL databases do not provide an adequate "information model"
Accreting "facts" over time provides a real information model and is also simpler than recording relations (composite facts) as seen in a typical relational database
RDF is an attempt to create a universal schema for information using
[subject predicate object]
triples as facts. However RDF triples are not
sufficient because these facts do not have a temporal component (e.g. timestamp
or transaction coordinate)
Perception does not require coordination and therefore queries should not affect concurrently executing transactions or cause resource contention (i.e. "stop the world")
"Reified process" (i.e. transaction metadata and temporal indexing) should enable efficient historical queries and make interactive auditing practical
Enabling the programmer to use the database "as a value" is dramatically less complex than working with typical databases in a client-server model and it very naturally aligns with functional programming: "The state of the database is a value defined by the set of facts in effect at a given moment in time."
Rich then outlines how these principles are realised in the original design for Datomic (now "Datomic On-Prem") and this is where XTDB and Datomic begin to diverge:
Datomic maintains a global index which can be lazily retrieved by peers from shared "storage". Conversely, an XTDB node represents an isolated coupling of local storage and local indexing components together with the query engine. XTDB nodes are therefore fully independent asides from the shared transaction log and document log
Both systems rely on existing storage technologies for the primary storage of data. Datomic’s covering indexes are stored in a shared storage service with multiple back-end options. XTDB, when used with Kafka, uses basic Kafka topics as the primary distributed store for content and transaction logs.
Datomic peers lazily read from the global index and therefore automatically cache their dynamic working sets. XTDB does not use a global index and currently does not offer any node-level sharding either so each node must contain the full database. In other words, each XTDB node is like an unpartitioned replica of the entire database, except the nodes do not store the transaction log locally so there is no "master". XTDB may support manual node-level sharding in the future via simple configuration. One benefit of manual sharding is that both the size of the XTDB node on disk and the long-tail query latency will be more predictable
Datomic uses an explicit "transactor" component, whereas the role of the transactor in XTDB is fulfilled by a passive transaction log (e.g. a single-partition Kafka topic) where unconfirmed transactions are optimistically appended, and therefore a transaction in XTDB is not confirmed until a node reads from the transaction log and confirms it locally
Datomic’s transactions and transaction functions are processed via a centralised transactor which can be configured for High-Availability using standby transactors. Centralised execution of transaction functions is effectively an optimisation that is useful for managing contention whilst minimising external complexity, and the trade-off is that the use of transaction functions will ultimately impact the serialised transaction throughput of the entire system. Within XTDB, transaction functions are installed via put operations and all invocation arguments are stored separately in the document store. Once invoked as an operation, a transaction function has access to a context against which you can run a query, and this is how you can update a counter based on its current value. The result of invoking a transaction function is a list of one or more operations which are spliced into the transaction to replace the calling operation. Nodes which are subsequently indexing the transaction log will not have to repeat this processing of the transaction function operations because the argument documents (to which the transaction log refers under-the-hood) are idempotently mutated and replaced with the resulting native operations. In other words, each transaction function invocation replaces itself with its result in the upstream document store, and this maintains consistency whilst not precluding later eviction operations on the data generated within the results.
Other differences compared to XTDB:
Datomic’s datom model provides a very granular and comprehensive interface for expressing novelty through the assertion and retraction of facts. XTDB instead uses documents (i.e. schemaless EDN maps) which are atomically ingested and processed as groups of facts that correspond to top-level fields with each document. This design choice simplifies bitemporal indexing (i.e. the use of valid time + transaction time coordinates) whilst satisfying typical requirements and improving the ergonomics of integration with other document-oriented systems. Additionally, the ordering of fields using the same key in a document is naturally preserved and can be readily retrieved, whereas Datomic requires explicit modelling of order for cardinality-many attributes. The main downside of XTDB’s document model is that re-transacting entire documents to update a single field can be considered inefficient, but this could be mitigated using lower-level compression techniques and content-addressable storage. Retractions in XTDB are implicit and deleted documents are simply replaced with empty documents
Datomic enforces a simple information schema for attributes including explicit reference types and cardinality constraints. XTDB is schemaless as we believe that schema should be optional and be implemented as higher level "decorators" using a spectrum of schema-on-read and/or schema-on write designs. Since XTDB does not track any reference types for attributes, Datalog queries simply attempt to evaluate and navigate attributes as reference types during execution
Datomic’s Datalog query language is more featureful and has more built-in operations than XTDB’s equivalent, however XTDB also returns results lazily and can spill to disk when sorting large result sets. Both systems provide powerful graph query possibilities
Note that Datomic Cloud is separate technology platform that is designed from the ground up to run on AWS and it is out of scope for this comparison.
In summary, Datomic (On-Prem) is a proven technology with a well-reasoned information model and sophisticated approach to scaling. XTDB offloads primary scaling concerns to distributed log storage systems like Kafka (following the "unbundled" architecture) and to standard operational features within platforms like Kubernetes (e.g. snapshotting of nodes with pre-built indexes for rapid horizontal scaling). Unlike Datomic, XTDB is document-centric and uses a bitemporal information model to enable business-level use of time-travel queries.
An easy answer is that XTDB is "strongly consistent" with ACID semantics.
A XTDB ClusterNode system provides sequential consistency by default due to the use of a single unpartitioned Kafka topic for the transaction log. Transactions are executed non-interleaved (i.e. a serial schedule) on every XTDB node independently. Being able to read your writes when using the HTTP interface requires stickiness to a particular node. For a cluster of nodes to be linearizable as a whole would require that every node always sees the result of every transaction immediately after it is written. This could be achieved with the cost of non-trivial additional latency. Further reading: Highly Available Transactions: Virtues and Limitations, Sequential Consistency.
XTDB does not try to enforce consistency among nodes. All nodes consume the
log in the same order, but nodes may be at different points. A client using the
same node will have a consistent view. Reading your own writes can be achieved
by providing the transaction details from the transaction log (returned from
), in a call to xtdb.api/await-tx
. This will block until
this transaction time has been seen by the cluster node.
Write consistency across nodes is provided via the ::xt/match
The user needs to include a match operation in their transaction, wait for the transaction time (as above), and check that the transaction committed.
More advanced algorithms can be built on top of this.
As mentioned above, all match operations in a transaction must pass for the transaction to proceed and get indexed, which enables one to enforce consistency across documents.
It of course depends.
While XTDB does not enforce a schema, the user may do so in a layer above to achieve the semantics of schema-on-read (per node) and schema-on-write (via a gateway node). XTDB only requires that the data can be represented as valid EDN documents. Data ingested from different systems can still be assigned qualified keys, which does not require a shared schema to be defined while still avoiding collision. Defining such a common schema up front might be prohibitive and XTDB instead aims to enable exploration of the data from different sources early. This exploration can also help discover and define the common schema of interest.
XTDB only indexes top-level attributes in a document, so to avoid indexing certain attributes, one can currently move them down into a nested map, as nested values aren’t indexed. This is useful both to increase throughput and to save disk space. A smaller index also leads to more efficient queries. We are considering to eventually give further control over what to index more explicitly.
The valid time can be set manually per transaction operation, and might already be defined by an upstream system before reaching XTDB. This also allows to deal with integration concerns like when a message queue is down and data arrives later than it should.
If not set, XTDB defaults valid time to the transaction time, which
is the LogAppendTime
assigned by the Kafka broker to the transaction
record. This time is taken from the local clock of the Kafka broker,
which acts as the master wall clock time.
XTDB does not rely on clock synchronisation or try to make any guarantees about valid time. Assigning valid time manually needs to be done with care, as there has to be either a clear owner of the clock, or that the exact valid time ordering between different nodes doesn’t strictly matter for the data where it’s used. NTP can mitigate this, potentially to an acceptable degree, but it cannot fully guarantee ordering between nodes.
No. We have a simple ingestion mechanism for RDF data in xtdb.rdf
but this is not a core feature. There is a also a query translator for a
subset of SPARQL. RDF and SPARQL support could eventually be written as
a layer on top of XTDB as a module, but there are no plans for this by
the core team.
Yes - read more about transaction functions in XTDB here.
No. There is no support for Datomic’s built-in functions, or for accessing the log and history directly. There is also no support for variable bindings or multiple source vars.
Other differences include that :rules
and :args
, which is a relation
represented as a list of maps which is joined with the query, are being
provided in the same query map as the :find
and :where
clause. XTDB
additionally supports the built-in ==
for unification as well as the
. Both these unification operators can also take sets of literals as
arguments, requiring at least one to match, which is basically a form of
Many of these aspects may be subject to change, but compatibility with other Datalog databases is not a goal for XTDB.
The goal is to support different languages, and decouple the query
engine from its syntax, but this is not currently the case.
There is a query translator for a subset of SPARQL in xtdb.sparql
Not currently. We are considering support for sharding the document topic as
this would allow nodes to easily consume only the documents they are interested
in. At the moment the tx-topic
must use a single partition to guarantee
transaction ordering. We are also considering support for sharding this topic
via partitioning or by adding more transaction topics. Each partition / topic
would have its own independent time line, but XTDB would still support for
cross shard queries. Sharding is mainly useful to increase throughput.
Yes - XTDB supports a 'projection' syntax, allowing you to decouple specifying which entities you want from what data you’d like about those entities in your queries. This support is based on the excellent EDN Query Language (EQL) library. See more here.
We are releasing a public benchmark dashboard in the near future. In the
meantime feel free to run your own local tests using the scripts in the /test
directory. The RocksDB project has performed some
benchmarks which give a strong sense of how large a single XTDB node backed by
RocksDB can confidently scale to. LMDB is generally faster for reads and
RocksDB is generally faster for writes.
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