unzip juxt-kafka-connect-xtdb-1.19.0.zip
Download the connector from Confluent hub, then unzip the downloaded folder:
unzip juxt-kafka-connect-xtdb-1.19.0.zip
Navigate into the base of the Kafka folder, then run the following commands:
cp $CONNECTOR_PATH/lib/*-standalone.jar $KAFKA_HOME/libs cp $CONNECTOR_PATH/etc/*.properties $KAFKA_HOME/config
The connector can be used as either a source or a sink. In either case, there should be an associated XTDB node to communicate with.
To use our connector, you must first have a XTDB node connected to Kafka. To do this, we start by adding the following dependencies to a project:
com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "{xtdb_version}"}
com.xtdb/xtdb-kafka {:mvn/version "{xtdb_version}"}
com.xtdb/xtdb-http-server {:mvn/version "{xtdb_version}"}
com.xtdb/xtdb-rocksdb {:mvn/version "{xtdb_version}"}
Ensure first that you have a running Kafka broker to connect to. We import the dependencies into a file or REPL, then create our Kafka connected 'node' with an associated http server for the connector to communicate with:
(require '[xtdb.api :as xt]
'[xtdb.http-server :as srv])
(import (xtdb.api IXtdb))
(def ^xtdb.api.IXtdb node
(crux/start-node {:crux.node/topology '[xtdb.kafka/topology crux.http-server/module]
:crux.kafka/bootstrap-servers "localhost:9092"
:xtdb.http-server/port 3000}))
Run the following command within the base of the Kafka folder, to create a worker which connects to the 'connect-test' topic, ready to send messages to the node. This also makes use of connect-file-source, checking for changes in a file called 'test.txt':
./bin/connect-standalone.sh config/connect-standalone.properties config/local-xtdb-sink.properties config/connect-file-source.properties
Run the following within your Kafka directory, to add a line of JSON to 'test.txt':
echo '{"xt/id": "415c45c9-7cbe-4660-801b-dab9edc60c84", "value": "baz"}' >> test.txt
Now, verify that this was transacted within your REPL:
(xt/entity (xt/db node) "415c45c9-7cbe-4660-801b-dab9edc60c84")
{:xt/id #uuid "415c45c9-7cbe-4660-801b-dab9edc60c84", :value "baz"}
Run the following command within the base of the Kafka folder, to create a worker connects to the 'connect-test' topic, ready to receive messages from the node. This also makes use of 'connect-file-sink', outputting transactions to your node within 'test.sink.txt':
./bin/connect-standalone.sh config/connect-standalone.properties config/local-xtdb-source.properties config/connect-file-sink.properties
Within your REPL, transact an element into XTDB:
(xt/submit-tx node [[::xt/put {:xt/id #uuid "415c45c9-7cbe-4660-801b-dab9edc60c82", :value "baz-source"}]])
Check the contents of 'test.sink.txt' using the command below, and you should see that the transactions were outputted to the 'connect-test' topic:
tail test.sink.txt ==> [[::xt/put {:xt/id #uuid "415c45c9-7cbe-4660-801b-dab9edc60c82", :value "baz-source"} #inst "2019-09-19T12:31:21.342-00:00"]]
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