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Timeseries namespaces; all timeseries are lazy, potentially infinite sequences of numeric values.

Timeseries namespaces; all timeseries are lazy, potentially infinite
sequences of numeric values.
raw docstring


(arma-seq {:keys [std phi theta c seed] :as arma-model})

ARMA - AutoRegressive-Moving-Average - sequence generation.

An ARMA model describes a stochastic process in terms of two polynomials: the autogregression term and the moving average term. The model is written as such:

X_t = epsilon_t + SUM(phi_i X_t-i, i=1, p) + SUM(theta_i epsilon_t-i, i=1, q)

where X_t is the t-th value, epsilon_i are white noise parameters and phi_i and theta_i are the central parameters for the AR and MA models, respectively.

Besides :phi and :theta, which are colls of p and q double values respectively, the arma-model option map also has these additional params:

  • :std, the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution from which each epsilon_t is sampled from (the mean is fixed at zero)
  • :seed, the seed to create the epsilon_t-generating RNG with.
  • :c, a constant to add to each result X_t

Returns an infinite lazy seq of ARMA values.

ARMA - AutoRegressive-Moving-Average - sequence generation.

An ARMA model describes a stochastic process in terms of two polynomials:
the autogregression term and the moving average term. The model is
written as such:
X_t = epsilon_t + SUM(phi_i X_t-i, i=1, p) + SUM(theta_i epsilon_t-i, i=1, q)
where `X_t` is the `t`-th value, `epsilon_i` are white noise parameters and
`phi_i` and `theta_i` are the central parameters for the AR and MA models,

Besides `:phi` and `:theta`, which are colls of `p` and `q` double values
respectively, the `arma-model` option map also has these additional params:
- `:std`, the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution from which each
  `epsilon_t` is sampled from (the mean is fixed at zero)
-  `:seed`, the seed to create the `epsilon_t`-generating RNG with.
- `:c`, a constant to add to each result `X_t`

Returns an infinite lazy seq of ARMA values.
sourceraw docstring
















(time-seqs &
           {:keys [t-zero sample-ms zone]
            :or {t-zero 0 zone (t/zone-id "UTC")}})

Given a :t-zero (simulation start), an exclusive upper bound of :sample-ms milliseconds and an optional local time zone, return a map of useful lazy time sequences. (Note that since these are lazy seqs, we do not waste performance overhead on unused sequences.)

There are three kinds of sequences: sequences of milliseconds (intervals being equal to the time unit used); cyclic sequences of time with relation to the larger unit; and sinusoidal sequences of time with relation to the day-night cycle, where 1.0 represents midnight, -1.0 represents noon, positive numbers nighttime, and negative numbers daytime.

Time sequences in the returned map:

Sequence KeyDescription
:milliseconds-seqSequence of epoch milliseconds since t-zero (e.g. (0 1 2 ...))
:second-ms-seqSequence of epoch ms with an interval of one second (e.g. (0 1000 ...))
:minute-ms-seqSequence of epoch ms with an interval of one minute (e.g. (0 60000 ...))
:hour-ms-seqSequence of epoch ms with an interval of one hour (e.g. (0 3600000 ...))
:day-ms-seqSequence of epoch ms with an interval of one day (e.g. (0 86400000 ...))
:week-ms-seqSequence of epoch ms with an interval of one week (e.g. (0 604800000 ...))
:minute-of-hour-seqCyclic sequence of minutes per hour (e.g. (0 1 ... 59 0 ...))
:minute-of-day-seqCyclic sequence of minutes per day (e.g. (0 1 ... 1440 0 ...))
:hour-of-day-seqCyclic sequence of hours per day (e.g. (0 1 ... 23 0 ...))
:day-of-week-seqCyclic sequence of the day of the week (e.g. (1 2 ... 7 1 ...))
:day-of-month-seqCyclic sequence of the day of the month (e.g. (1 2 ... 31 1 ...))
:day-of-year-seqCyclic sequence of the day of the year (e.g. (1 2 ... 365 1 ...))
:minute-day-night-seqSinusoidal sequence of milliseconds in relation to the day-night cycle.
:hour-day-night-seqSinusoidal sequence of milliseconds in relation to the day-night cycle.
Given a `:t-zero` (simulation start), an exclusive upper bound of
`:sample-ms` milliseconds and an optional local time `zone`, return a map
of useful lazy time sequences. (Note that since these are lazy seqs, we do
not waste performance overhead on unused sequences.)

There are three kinds of sequences: sequences of milliseconds (intervals
being equal to the time unit used); cyclic sequences of time with relation
to the larger unit; and sinusoidal sequences of time with relation to the
day-night cycle, where 1.0 represents midnight, -1.0 represents noon,
positive numbers nighttime, and negative numbers daytime.

Time sequences in the returned map:

| Sequence Key            | Description
| ---                     | ---
| `:milliseconds-seq`     | Sequence of epoch milliseconds since `t-zero` (e.g. `(0 1 2 ...)`)
| `:second-ms-seq`        | Sequence of epoch ms with an interval of one second (e.g. `(0 1000 ...)`)
| `:minute-ms-seq`        | Sequence of epoch ms with an interval of one minute (e.g. `(0 60000 ...)`)
| `:hour-ms-seq`          | Sequence of epoch ms with an interval of one hour (e.g. `(0 3600000 ...)`)
| `:day-ms-seq`           | Sequence of epoch ms with an interval of one day (e.g. `(0 86400000 ...)`)
| `:week-ms-seq`          | Sequence of epoch ms with an interval of one week (e.g. `(0 604800000 ...)`)
| `:minute-of-hour-seq`   | Cyclic sequence of minutes per hour (e.g. `(0 1 ... 59 0 ...)`)
| `:minute-of-day-seq`    | Cyclic sequence of minutes per day (e.g. `(0 1 ... 1440 0 ...)`)
| `:hour-of-day-seq`      | Cyclic sequence of hours per day (e.g. `(0 1 ... 23 0 ...)`)
| `:day-of-week-seq`      | Cyclic sequence of the day of the week (e.g. `(1 2 ... 7 1 ...)`)
| `:day-of-month-seq`     | Cyclic sequence of the day of the month (e.g. `(1 2 ... 31 1 ...)`)
| `:day-of-year-seq`      | Cyclic sequence of the day of the year (e.g. `(1 2 ... 365 1 ...)`)
| `:minute-day-night-seq` | Sinusoidal sequence of milliseconds in relation to the day-night cycle.
| `:hour-day-night-seq`   | Sinusoidal sequence of milliseconds in relation to the day-night cycle.
sourceraw docstring

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