Statement healing, i.e. the repair of Statements that are missing required properties.
Statement healing, i.e. the repair of Statements that are missing required properties.
{activity-id "id" {activity-type "type"} "definition" :as activity}
{:keys [activity-map alignment]}
{:strs [instructor team]
{:strs [category grouping parent other]} "contextActivities"
:as context}
{{profile-ver-id :inScheme} :template registration :registration :as inputs}
{:keys [sub-statement?] :or {sub-statement? false}})
(complete-statement statement inputs rng)
Given statement
, perform statement healing by filling in missing
values using rng
and values from inputs
Given `statement`, perform statement healing by filling in missing values using `rng` and values from `inputs`.
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