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Pallet's action primitives.

Pallet's action primitives.
raw docstring


(add-rpm rpm-name & {:as options})

Add an rpm. Source options are as for remote file.

Add an rpm.  Source options are as for remote file.
sourceraw docstring


A vector of the options accepted by remote-file. Can be used for option forwarding when calling remote-file from other crates.

A vector of the options accepted by remote-file.  Can be used for
option forwarding when calling remote-file from other crates.
sourceraw docstring


(as-action & body)

Wrap arbitrary clojure code to be run as an action

Wrap arbitrary clojure code to be run as an action
sourceraw docstring


(assoc-in-settings path value & {:keys [instance-id]})

Put the specified value (possible a NodeValue) into the settings for path, a vector of [facility & keys], specifying a facility an a path.

Put the specified `value` (possible a `NodeValue`) into the settings
for `path`, a vector of `[facility & keys]`, specifying a facility an a path.
sourceraw docstring


(assoc-settings facility kv-pairs & {:keys [instance-id]})

Set the settings for the specified host facility. The instance-id allows the specification of specific instance of the facility (the default is :default).

Set the settings for the specified host facility. The instance-id allows
the specification of specific instance of the facility (the default is
sourceraw docstring


(check-remote-directory-arguments m)


(check-remote-file-arguments m)


A vector of the options accepted by remote-file. Can be used for option forwarding when calling remote-file from other crates.

A vector of the options accepted by remote-file.  Can be used for
option forwarding when calling remote-file from other crates.
sourceraw docstring


(debconf-set-selections {:keys [line package question type value]})

Set debconf selections. Specify :line as a string, or :package, :question, :type and :value options.

Set debconf selections.
Specify `:line` as a string, or `:package`, `:question`, `:type` and
`:value` options.
sourceraw docstring


(delete-local-path local-path)

Function to delete a local path.

Function to delete a local path.
sourceraw docstring


(directories paths & options)

Directory management of multiple directories with the same owner/group/permissions.

options are as for directory and are applied to each directory in paths

Directory management of multiple directories with the same

`options` are as for `directory` and are applied to each directory in
sourceraw docstring


(directory dir-path
           {:keys [action recursive force path mode verbose owner group]
            :or {action :create recursive true force true path true}})

Directory management.

For :create and :touch, all components of path are effected.

Options are:

  • :action One of :create, :touch, :delete
  • :recursive Flag for recursive delete
  • :force Flag for forced delete
  • :path flag to create all path elements
  • :owner set owner
  • :group set group
  • :mode set mode
Directory management.

For :create and :touch, all components of path are effected.

Options are:
 - :action     One of :create, :touch, :delete
 - :recursive  Flag for recursive delete
 - :force      Flag for forced delete
 - :path       flag to create all path elements
 - :owner      set owner
 - :group      set group
 - :mode       set mode
sourceraw docstring


(exec {:keys [language interpreter version] :or {language :bash}} script)

Execute script on the target node. The script is a plain string. type specifies the script language (default :bash). You can override the interpreter path using the :interpreter option.

Execute script on the target node. The `script` is a plain string. `type`
specifies the script language (default :bash). You can override the
interpreter path using the `:interpreter` option.
sourceraw docstring


(exec-checked-script script-name & script)

Execute a bash script remotely, throwing if any element of the script fails. The script is expressed in stevedore.

Execute a bash script remotely, throwing if any element of the
script fails. The script is expressed in stevedore.
sourceraw docstring


(exec-script & script)

Execute a bash script remotely. The script is expressed in stevedore.

Execute a bash script remotely. The script is expressed in stevedore.
sourceraw docstring


(exec-script* script)

Execute script on the target node. The script is a plain string.

Execute script on the target node. The script is a plain string.
sourceraw docstring


(fifo path & {:keys [action owner group mode force] :or {action :create}})

FIFO pipe management.

  • :action one of :create, :delete
  • :owner user name or id for owner of fifo
  • :group user name or id for group of fifo
  • :mode fifo permissions
  • :force when deleting, try and force removal
FIFO pipe management.

- :action    one of :create, :delete
- :owner     user name or id for owner of fifo
- :group     user name or id for group of fifo
- :mode      fifo permissions
- :force     when deleting, try and force removal
sourceraw docstring


(file path
      {:keys [action owner group mode force] :or {action :create force true}})

Touch or remove a file. Can also set owner and permissions.

  • :action one of :create, :delete, :touch
  • :owner user name or id for owner of file
  • :group user name or id for group of file
  • :mode file permissions
  • :force when deleting, try and force removal
Touch or remove a file. Can also set owner and permissions.

- :action    one of :create, :delete, :touch
- :owner     user name or id for owner of file
- :group     user name or id for group of file
- :mode      file permissions
- :force     when deleting, try and force removal
sourceraw docstring


(group groupname
       {:keys [action system gid password] :or {action :manage} :as options})

User Group Management.

:action : One of :create, :manage, :remove.

:gid : specify the group id

:password : An MD5 crypted password for the user.

:system : Specify the user as a system user.

User Group Management.

: One of :create, :manage, :remove.

: specify the group id

: An MD5 crypted password for the user.

: Specify the user as a system user.
sourceraw docstring


(install-deb deb-name & {:as options})

Add a deb. Source options are as for remote file.

Add a deb.  Source options are as for remote file.
sourceraw docstring


(log-script-output script-return-value
                   {:keys [out err exit fmt]
                    :or {out :debug err :info exit :none fmt "%s"}})

Log the result of a script action.

Log the result of a script action.
sourceraw docstring



Add minimal packages for pallet to function

Add minimal packages for pallet to function
sourceraw docstring


(on-one-node roles & body)

Execute the body on just one node of the specified roles. If there is no node in the union of nodes for all the roles, the nodes for the first role are used.

Execute the body on just one node of the specified roles. If there is no
node in the union of nodes for all the roles, the nodes for the first role
are used.
sourceraw docstring


(one-node-filter role->nodes [role & roles])


A vector of options for controlling ownership. Can be used for option forwarding when calling remote-file from other crates.

A vector of options for controlling ownership. Can be used for option
forwarding when calling remote-file from other crates.
sourceraw docstring


(package package-name
         {:keys [action y force purge enable disable priority]
          :or {action :install y true priority 50}})

Install or remove a package.


  • :action [:install | :remove | :upgrade]
  • :purge [true|false] when removing, whether to remove all config
  • :enable [repo|(seq repo)] enable specific repository
  • :disable [repo|(seq repo)] disable specific repository
  • :priority n priority (0-100, default 50)
  • :disable-service-start disable service startup (default false)
  • :allow-unsigned install package even if unsigned

Package management occurs in one shot, so that the package manager can maintain a consistent view.

Install or remove a package.

 - :action [:install | :remove | :upgrade]
 - :purge [true|false]         when removing, whether to remove all config
 - :enable [repo|(seq repo)]   enable specific repository
 - :disable [repo|(seq repo)]  disable specific repository
 - :priority n                 priority (0-100, default 50)
 - :disable-service-start      disable service startup (default false)
 - :allow-unsigned             install package even if unsigned

Package management occurs in one shot, so that the package manager can
maintain a consistent view.
sourceraw docstring


(package-manager action & options)

Package manager controls.

action is one of the following:

  • :update - update the list of available packages
  • :list-installed - output a list of the installed packages
  • :add-scope - enable a scope (eg. multiverse, non-free)

To refresh the list of packages known to the package manager: (package-manager session :update)

To enable multiverse on ubuntu: (package-manager session :add-scope :scope :multiverse)

To enable non-free on debian: (package-manager session :add-scope :scope :non-free)

Package manager controls.

`action` is one of the following:
- :update          - update the list of available packages
- :list-installed  - output a list of the installed packages
- :add-scope       - enable a scope (eg. multiverse, non-free)

To refresh the list of packages known to the package manager:
    (package-manager session :update)

To enable multiverse on ubuntu:
    (package-manager session :add-scope :scope :multiverse)

To enable non-free on debian:
    (package-manager session :add-scope :scope :non-free)
sourceraw docstring


(package-source name & {:keys [aptitude yum]})

Control package sources. Options are the package manager keywords, each specifying a map of packager specific options.


:source-type source-string : the source type (default "deb")

:url url-string : the repository url

:scopes seq : scopes to enable for repository

:release release-name : override the release name

:key-url url-string : url for key

:key-server hostname : hostname to use as a keyserver

:key-id id : id for key to look it up from keyserver


:name name : repository name

:url url-string : repository base url

:gpgkey url-string : gpg key url for repository


(package-source "Partner"
  :aptitude {:url ""
             :scopes ["partner"]})
Control package sources.
   Options are the package manager keywords, each specifying a map of
   packager specific options.

## `:aptitude`

`:source-type source-string`
: the source type (default "deb")

`:url url-string`
: the repository url

`:scopes seq`
: scopes to enable for repository

`:release release-name`
: override the release name

`:key-url url-string`
: url for key

`:key-server hostname`
: hostname to use as a keyserver

`:key-id id`
: id for key to look it up from keyserver

## `:yum`

`:name name`
: repository name

`:url url-string`
: repository base url

`:gpgkey url-string`
: gpg key url for repository

## Example

    (package-source "Partner"
      :aptitude {:url ""
                 :scopes ["partner"]})
sourceraw docstring




(packages & {:keys [yum aptitude pacman brew] :as options})

Install a list of packages keyed on packager. (packages session :yum ["git" "git-email"] :aptitude ["git-core" "git-email"])

Install a list of packages keyed on packager.
(packages session
  :yum ["git" "git-email"]
  :aptitude ["git-core" "git-email"])
sourceraw docstring



Generator for plan flag keywords

Generator for plan flag keywords
sourceraw docstring


(plan-when condition & crate-fns-or-actions)

Execute the crate-fns-or-actions, only when condition is true.

Execute the crate-fns-or-actions, only when condition is true.
sourceraw docstring


(plan-when-not condition & crate-fns-or-actions)

Execute the crate-fns-or-actions, only when condition is false.

Execute the crate-fns-or-actions, only when condition is false.
sourceraw docstring


(remote-directory path
                  {:keys [action url local-file remote-file unpack tar-options
                          unzip-options jar-options strip-components md5 md5-url
                          owner group recursive force-overwrite
                          local-file-options blob blobstore]
                   :or {action :create
                        tar-options "xz"
                        unzip-options "-o"
                        jar-options "xf"
                        strip-components 1
                        recursive true}
                   :as options})

Specify the contents of remote directory.


:url : a url to download content from

:unpack : how download should be extracts (default :tar)

:tar-options : options to pass to tar (default "xz")

:unzip-options : options to pass to unzip (default "-o")

:jar-options : options to pass to unzip (default "xf") jar does not support stripping path components

:strip-components : number of path components to remove when unpacking

:extract-files : extract only the specified files or directories from the archive

:md5 : md5 of file to unpack

:md5-url : url of md5 file for file to unpack

:no-versioning : flag to not apply versioning to downloaded archives

Ownership options: :owner : owner of files

:group : group of files

:recursive : flag to recursively set owner and group

To install the content of an url pointing at a tar file, specify the :url option.

(remote-directory session path
   :url "")

If there is an md5 url with the tar file's md5, you can specify that as well, to prevent unnecessary downloads and verify the content.

(remote-directory session path
   :url ""
   :md5-url "")

To install the content of an url pointing at a zip file, specify the :url option and :unpack :unzip.

(remote-directory session path
   :url ""
   :unpack :unzip)

To install the content of an url pointing at a jar/tar/zip file, extracting only specified files or directories, use the :extract-files option.

(remote-directory session path
   :url ""
   :unpack :jar
   :extract-files ["dir/file" "file2"])
Specify the contents of remote directory.


: a url to download content from

: how download should be extracts (default :tar)

: options to pass to tar (default "xz")

: options to pass to unzip (default "-o")

: options to pass to unzip (default "xf") jar does not support stripping path

: number of path components to remove when unpacking

: extract only the specified files or directories from the archive

: md5 of file to unpack

: url of md5 file for file to unpack

: flag to not apply versioning to downloaded archives

Ownership options:
: owner of files

: group of files

: flag to recursively set owner and group

To install the content of an url pointing at a tar file, specify the :url

    (remote-directory session path
       :url "")

If there is an md5 url with the tar file's md5, you can specify that as well,
to prevent unnecessary downloads and verify the content.

    (remote-directory session path
       :url ""
       :md5-url "")

To install the content of an url pointing at a zip file, specify the :url
option and :unpack :unzip.

    (remote-directory session path
       :url ""
       :unpack :unzip)

To install the content of an url pointing at a jar/tar/zip file, extracting
only specified files or directories, use the :extract-files option.

    (remote-directory session path
       :url ""
       :unpack :jar
       :extract-files ["dir/file" "file2"])
sourceraw docstring




(remote-file path
             {:keys [action url local-file remote-file link content literal
                     template values md5 md5-url owner group mode force blob
                     blobstore install-new-files overwrite-changes no-versioning
                     max-versions flag-on-changed local-file-options verify]
              :as options})

Remote file content management.

The remote-file action can specify the content of a remote file in a number different ways.

By default, the remote-file is versioned, and 5 versions are kept.

The remote content is also verified against its md5 hash. If the contents of the remote file have changed (e.g. have been edited on the remote machine) then by default the file will not be overwritten, and an error will be raised. To force overwrite, call set-force-overwrite before running converge or lift.

Options for specifying the file's content are: url : download the specified url to the given filepath

content : use the specified content directly

local-file : use the file on the local machine at the given path

remote-file : use the file on the remote machine at the given path

link : file to link to

literal : prevent shell expansion on content

md5 : md5 for file

md5-url : a url containing file's md5

template : specify a template to be interpolated

values : values for interpolation

blob : map of container, path

blobstore : a jclouds blobstore object (override blobstore in session)

insecure : boolean to specify ignoring of SLL certs

Options for version control are:

overwrite-changes : flag to force overwriting of locally modified content

no-versioning : do not version the file

max-versions : specify the number of versions to keep (default 5)

flag-on-changed : flag to set if file is changed

Options for specifying the file's permissions are:

owner : user-name

group : group-name

mode : file-mode

Options for verifying the file's content:

verify : a command to run on the file on the node, before it is installed

To copy the content of a local file to a remote file: (remote-file session "remote/path" :local-file "local/path")

To copy the content of one remote file to another remote file: (remote-file session "remote/path" :remote-file "remote/source/path")

To link one remote file to another remote file: (remote-file session "remote/path" :link "remote/source/path")

To download a url to a remote file: (remote-file session "remote/path" :url "")

If a url to a md5 file is also available, then it can be specified to prevent unnecessary downloads and to verify the download.

(remote-file session "remote/path"
  :url ""
  :md5-url "")

If the md5 of the file to download, it can be specified to prevent unnecessary downloads and to verify the download.

(remote-file session "remote/path"
  :url ""
  :md5 "6de9439834c9147569741d3c9c9fc010")

Content can also be copied from a blobstore.

(remote-file session "remote/path"
  :blob {:container "container" :path "blob"})
Remote file content management.

The `remote-file` action can specify the content of a remote file in a number
different ways.

By default, the remote-file is versioned, and 5 versions are kept.

The remote content is also verified against its md5 hash.  If the contents
of the remote file have changed (e.g. have been edited on the remote machine)
then by default the file will not be overwritten, and an error will be raised.
To force overwrite, call `set-force-overwrite` before running `converge` or

Options for specifying the file's content are:
: download the specified url to the given filepath

: use the specified content directly

: use the file on the local machine at the given path

: use the file on the remote machine at the given path

: file to link to

: prevent shell expansion on content

: md5 for file

: a url containing file's md5

: specify a template to be interpolated

: values for interpolation

: map of `container`, `path`

: a jclouds blobstore object (override blobstore in session)

: boolean to specify ignoring of SLL certs

Options for version control are:

: flag to force overwriting of locally modified content

: do not version the file

: specify the number of versions to keep (default 5)

: flag to set if file is changed

Options for specifying the file's permissions are:

: user-name

: group-name

: file-mode

Options for verifying the file's content:

: a command to run on the file on the node, before it is installed

To copy the content of a local file to a remote file:
    (remote-file session "remote/path" :local-file "local/path")

To copy the content of one remote file to another remote file:
    (remote-file session "remote/path" :remote-file "remote/source/path")

To link one remote file to another remote file:
    (remote-file session "remote/path" :link "remote/source/path")

To download a url to a remote file:
    (remote-file session "remote/path" :url "")

If a url to a md5 file is also available, then it can be specified to prevent
unnecessary downloads and to verify the download.

    (remote-file session "remote/path"
      :url ""
      :md5-url "")

If the md5 of the file to download, it can be specified to prevent unnecessary
downloads and to verify the download.

    (remote-file session "remote/path"
      :url ""
      :md5 "6de9439834c9147569741d3c9c9fc010")

Content can also be copied from a blobstore.

    (remote-file session "remote/path"
      :blob {:container "container" :path "blob"})
sourceraw docstring




(remote-file-content path)

Return a function that returns the content of a file, when used inside another action.

Return a function that returns the content of a file, when used inside
another action.
sourceraw docstring


Install the specified repository as a package source. The :id key must contain a recognised repository.

Install the specified repository as a package source.
The :id key must contain a recognised repository.
sourceraw docstring


(retry-until {:keys [max-retries standoff service-name]
              :or {max-retries 5 standoff 2}}

Repeat an action until it succeeds

Repeat an action until it succeeds
sourceraw docstring


(return-value-expr [& return-values] & body)

Creates an action that can transform return values

Creates an action that can transform return values
sourceraw docstring


(rsync local-path remote-path {:keys [port]})

Use rsync to copy files from local-path to remote-path

Use rsync to copy files from local-path to remote-path
sourceraw docstring


(rsync-directory from to & {:keys [owner group mode port] :as options})

Rsync from a local directory to a remote directory.

Rsync from a local directory to a remote directory.
sourceraw docstring


(rsync-to-local remote-path local-path {:keys [port]})

Use rsync to copy files from remote-path to local-path

Use rsync to copy files from remote-path to local-path
sourceraw docstring


(rsync-to-local-directory from to & {:keys [owner group mode port] :as options})

Rsync from a local directory to a remote directory.

Rsync from a local directory to a remote directory.
sourceraw docstring


(sed path exprs-map & {:keys [separator no-md5 restriction]})

Execute sed on the file at path. Takes a map of expr to replacement.

  • :separator the separator to use in generated sed expressions. This will be inferred if not specified.
  • :no-md5 prevent md5 generation for the modified file
  • :restriction restrict the sed expressions to a particular context.
Execute sed on the file at path.  Takes a map of expr to replacement.
- :separator     the separator to use in generated sed expressions. This
                 will be inferred if not specified.
- :no-md5        prevent md5 generation for the modified file
- :restriction   restrict the sed expressions to a particular context.
sourceraw docstring


(service service-name
         {:keys [action if-flag if-stopped service-impl]
          :or {action :start service-impl :initd}
          :as options})

Control services.

  • :action accepts either startstop, restart, enable or disable keywords.
  • :if-flag makes start, stop, and restart conditional on the specified flag as set, for example, by remote-file :flag-on-changed
  • :sequence-start a sequence of [sequence-number level level ...], where sequence number determines the order in which services are started within a level.
  • :service-impl either :initd or :upstart

Deprecated in favour of pallet.crate.service/service.

Control services.

   - :action  accepts either startstop, restart, enable or disable keywords.
   - :if-flag  makes start, stop, and restart conditional on the specified flag
               as set, for example, by remote-file :flag-on-changed
   - :sequence-start  a sequence of [sequence-number level level ...], where
                      sequence number determines the order in which services
                      are started within a level.
   - :service-impl    either :initd or :upstart

Deprecated in favour of pallet.crate.service/service.
sourceraw docstring


(service-script service-name
                {:keys [action url local-file remote-file link content literal
                        template values md5 md5-url force service-impl]
                 :or {action :create service-impl :initd}
                 :as options})

Install a service script. Sources as for remote-file.

Install a service script.  Sources as for remote-file.
sourceraw docstring


(set-force-overwrite flag)

Globally force installation of new files, even if content on node has changed.

Globally force installation of new files, even if content on node has
sourceraw docstring


(set-install-new-files flag)

Set boolean flag to control installation of new files

Set boolean flag to control installation of new files
sourceraw docstring



Action to setup the node. Use this if file transfers fail due to e.g state-root not existing.

Action to setup the node.  Use this if file transfers fail due to
e.g state-root not existing.
sourceraw docstring

(symbolic-link from
               {:keys [action owner group mode force]
                :or {action :create force true}})

Symbolic link management.

  • :action one of :create, :delete
  • :owner user name or id for owner of symlink
  • :group user name or id for group of symlink
  • :mode symlink permissions
  • :force when deleting, try and force removal
  • :no-deref do not deref target if it is a symlink to a directory
Symbolic link management.

- :action    one of :create, :delete
- :owner     user name or id for owner of symlink
- :group     user name or id for group of symlink
- :mode      symlink permissions
- :force     when deleting, try and force removal
- :no-deref  do not deref target if it is a symlink to a directory
sourceraw docstring


(transfer-file local-path remote-path)

Function to transfer a local file to a remote path. Prefer remote-file or remote-directory over direct use of this action.

Function to transfer a local file to a remote path.
Prefer remote-file or remote-directory over direct use of this action.
sourceraw docstring


(transfer-file-to-local remote-path local-path)

Function to transfer a remote file to a local path.

Function to transfer a remote file to a local path.
sourceraw docstring


(update-settings facility options-or-f & args)

Update the settings for the specified host facility. The instance-id allows the specification of specific instance of the facility (the default is :default).

Update the settings for the specified host facility. The instance-id allows
the specification of specific instance of the facility (the default is
sourceraw docstring


(user username
      {:keys [action shell base-dir home system create-home password shell
              comment group groups remove force append]
       :or {action :manage}
       :as options})

User management.

:action : One of :create, :manage, :lock, :unlock or :remove.

:shell : One of :bash, :csh, :ksh, :rsh, :sh, :tcsh, :zsh, :false or a path string.

:create-home : Controls creation of the user's home directory.

:base-dir : The directory in which default user directories should be created.

:home : Specify the user's home directory.

:system : Specify the user as a system user.

:comment : A comment to record for the user.

:group : The user's login group. Defaults to a group with the same name as the user.

:groups : Additional groups the user should belong to.

:password : An MD5 crypted password for the user.

:force : Force user removal.

User management.

: One of :create, :manage, :lock, :unlock or :remove.

: One of :bash, :csh, :ksh, :rsh, :sh, :tcsh, :zsh, :false or a path string.

: Controls creation of the user's home directory.

: The directory in which default user directories should be created.

: Specify the user's home directory.

: Specify the user as a system user.

: A comment to record for the user.

: The user's login group. Defaults to a group with the same name as the user.

: Additional groups the user should belong to.

: An MD5 crypted password for the user.

: Force user removal.
sourceraw docstring


A vector of options for controlling versions. Can be used for option forwarding when calling remote-file from other crates.

A vector of options for controlling versions. Can be used for option
forwarding when calling remote-file from other crates.
sourceraw docstring


(wait-for-file path
               {:keys [max-retries standoff service-name]
                :or {action :create max-versions 5 install-new-files true}
                :as options})

Wait for a file to exist

Wait for a file to exist
sourceraw docstring


(with-action-values [& return-values] & body)

Creates an action that can transform action return values. The return value is itself an action return value.

Creates an action that can transform action return values.  The return
value is itself an action return value.
sourceraw docstring


(with-remote-file f path & args)

Function to call f with a local copy of the sessioned remote path. f should be a function taking [session local-path & _], where local-path will be a File with a copy of the remote file (which will be unlinked after calling f.

Function to call f with a local copy of the sessioned remote path.
f should be a function taking [session local-path & _], where local-path will
be a File with a copy of the remote file (which will be unlinked after
calling f.
sourceraw docstring


(with-service-restart service-name & body)

Stop the given service, execute the body, and then restart.

Stop the given service, execute the body, and then restart.
sourceraw docstring

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