Pallet projects are specified in a pallet.clj file.
The files are loaded by calling clojure.core/load in the pallet.project.load
namespace. The defproject form in that file def's a pallet-project-map
which is reset after loading.
defproject refers to pallet.project.loader/defproject.
Pallet projects are specified in a pallet.clj file. The files are loaded by calling clojure.core/load in the pallet.project.load namespace. The defproject form in that file def's a `pallet-project-map` var, which is reset after loading. defproject refers to pallet.project.loader/defproject.
(add-default-phases {:keys [phases]} project)
Adds default phases. Note that these are merged as ordinary clojure maps, not as server-specs, so that the project can remove default behaviour.
Adds default phases. Note that these are merged as ordinary clojure maps, not as server-specs, so that the project can remove default behaviour.
(decorate-name {:keys [group-prefix group-suffix node-spec]
:or {group-prefix "" group-suffix ""}
:as variant}
Return the default project, or nil if there is none.
Return the default project, or nil if there is none.
(merge-variant-node-specs {:keys [node-spec groups] :as variant}
{:keys [group-name] :as group})
Use the node-specs specified in the variant. The variant can have a
general node-spec, or a per-group node-spec under the :groups
Use the node-specs specified in the variant. The variant can have a general node-spec, or a per-group node-spec under the `:groups` key
(merge-variant-phases {:keys [phases groups] :as variant}
{:keys [group-name] :as group})
Use the node-specs specified in the variant. The variant can have a
general node-spec, or a per-group node-spec under the :groups
Use the node-specs specified in the variant. The variant can have a general node-spec, or a per-group node-spec under the `:groups` key
(pallet-file-exists? pallet-file)
Predicate to check if a pallet.clj file exists.
Predicate to check if a pallet.clj file exists.
(read-or-create-project project-name)
(read-or-create-project project-name pallet-file)
(read-project pallet-file)
Read the project file
Read the project file
(spec-from-project pallet-project provider-kw)
(spec-from-project {:keys [groups provider service] :as pallet-project}
Compute the groups for a pallet project using the given compute service provider keyword. The node specs are filtered by the selector selector set, which defaults to #{:default}. The groups can be filtered by the roles set, and by group-names.
Compute the groups for a pallet project using the given compute service provider keyword. The node specs are filtered by the selector selector set, which defaults to #{:default}. The groups can be filtered by the roles set, and by group-names.
(use-project! project)
Set the specified project map as the default project.
Set the specified project map as the default project.
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