Utilities for easy usage of User-Agent controlled <dialog> items.
See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/dialog and https://caniuse.com/?search=dialog
Note: a major difference between this and the raw dialog is that the dialogs here are shown/open by default.
Utilities for easy usage of User-Agent controlled <dialog> items. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/dialog and https://caniuse.com/?search=dialog Note: a major difference between this and the raw dialog is that the dialogs here are shown/open by default.
Returns an action that can be emitted from the content of
an acknowledge
Returns an action that can be emitted from the content of an [[acknowledge]] dialog.
(acknowledge & content)
(acknowledge attrs & content)
Shows the content in an open modal dialog.
The :onAck event is triggered when the user presses ESC, or the
content emits the ack
Shows the content in an open modal dialog. The :onAck event is triggered when the user presses ESC, or the content emits the [[ack]] action.
Returns an action that can be emitted from the content of
an acknowledge
Returns an action that can be emitted from the content of an [[acknowledge]] dialog.
(mediator ask-f item-f)
A mediator simplifies showing modal dialogs in response to actions.
That can be used to let the user confirm certain actions, with a "Are you sure?" dialog, or even open an edit dialog in response to a button click. It could also be used to let the user acknowedge errors of Ajax calls.
For example, if you have a button that deletes an entity:
(dom/button {:onClick (constantly (c/return :action (delete entity-id)))})
To get an acknowledgement from the user before doing that, you can rewrite that button with:
(mediator (fn [hide entity-id]
(prompt {:onOk (constantly (c/return :action hide
:action (delete entity-id)))
:onCancel (constantly (c/return :action hide))}
"Are you sure?"
(dom/button {:onClick (constantly (c/return :action (ok)))} "Ok")))
(fn [show]
(dom/button {:onClick (constantly (c/return :action (show entity-id)))})))
Note: Emitting a second (show ...)
before the previous dialog has
emitted hide
will replace the previous dialog.
A mediator simplifies showing modal dialogs in response to actions. That can be used to let the user confirm certain actions, with a "Are you sure?" dialog, or even open an edit dialog in response to a button click. It could also be used to let the user acknowedge errors of Ajax calls. For example, if you have a button that deletes an entity: ``` (dom/button {:onClick (constantly (c/return :action (delete entity-id)))}) ``` To get an acknowledgement from the user before doing that, you can rewrite that button with: ``` (mediator (fn [hide entity-id] (prompt {:onOk (constantly (c/return :action hide :action (delete entity-id))) :onCancel (constantly (c/return :action hide))} "Are you sure?" (dom/button {:onClick (constantly (c/return :action (ok)))} "Ok"))) (fn [show] (dom/button {:onClick (constantly (c/return :action (show entity-id)))}))) ``` Note: Emitting a second `(show ...)` before the previous dialog has emitted `hide` will replace the previous dialog.
(modal & content)
(modal attrs & content)
Shows the content in an open modal dialog.
The :onCancel event is trigger when the user presses ESC, which does nothing per default.
Render a hidden dialog via the :open attribute set to false, which can also be used to show/hide the dialog later.
Shows the content in an open modal dialog. The :onCancel event is trigger when the user presses ESC, which does nothing per default. Render a hidden dialog via the :open attribute set to false, which can also be used to show/hide the dialog later.
(ok value)
Returns an action that can be emitted from the content of
an acknowledge
Returns an action that can be emitted from the content of an [[acknowledge]] dialog.
(parallel & content)
(parallel attrs & content)
Shows the content in an open non-modal dialog.
Render a hidden dialog via the :open attribute set to false, which can also be used to show/hide the dialog later.
Shows the content in an open non-modal dialog. Render a hidden dialog via the :open attribute set to false, which can also be used to show/hide the dialog later.
(prompt & content)
(prompt attrs & content)
Shows the content in an open modal dialog.
The :onCancel event is triggered when the user presses ESC, or the
content emits the cancel
The :onOk event is triggered when the content emits the ok
Shows the content in an open modal dialog. The :onCancel event is triggered when the user presses ESC, or the content emits the [[cancel]] action. The :onOk event is triggered when the content emits the [[ok]] action.
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