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Functions and items to utilize Bootstrap 5 forms and input styles and utilities.

Functions and items to utilize Bootstrap 5 forms and input styles and utilities.
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This namespace contains replacements for the basic form elements (input, select, textbox) but with corresponding states.

The select item also supports any kind of values for the :value attribute of options, not just strings.

Additionally, the new attributes :invalid and :validate are supported for all of them, allowing for a declarative way to use setCustomValidity on the dom nodes.

An attribute :report-validity can be set to true on input items and form to call reportValidity on them on every state change.

This namespace contains replacements for the basic form
elements (input, select, textbox) but with corresponding

The [[select]] item also supports any kind of values for the
`:value` attribute of [[option]]s, not just strings.

Additionally, the new attributes `:invalid` and `:validate` are
supported for all of them, allowing for a declarative way to
use `setCustomValidity` on the dom nodes.

An attribute `:report-validity` can be set to true on input items
and [[form]] to call `reportValidity` on them on every state
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Utility to create specialized input fields via parsing of the native value.

Utility to create specialized input fields via parsing of the native value.
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Input types extend over the :type attribute of reacl-c-basics.forms.core/input items, giving more control over the data types of the state value, and to some extend over the ui controls to enter those values. The type system defined here is also extensible.

For example, you can ask the user for an integer via

(c/isolate-state 0
  (core/input {:type types/integer}))
Input types extend over the `:type` attribute
of [[reacl-c-basics.forms.core/input]] items, giving more control
over the data types of the state value, and to some extend over the
ui controls to enter those values. The type system defined here is
also extensible.

For example, you can ask the user for an integer via

(c/isolate-state 0
  (core/input {:type types/integer}))
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Utilities for a more customized display of form validity.

Note: the basic validity of input fields can be defined with the :invalid and :validate attribtues of reacl-c-basics.forms.core/input etc.

Note: the validation message for native validations (:pattern, :required etc) can be modified by using setCustomValidity in :onInvalid events depending on the validity property.

For visual styling there are the :required and :options CSS pseudo-classes, as well as :valid and :invalid.

For showing validation problems differently than the browser does by default, use with-validity and the derived utils form-with-validity or append-validity.

To trigger the display of validation problems before submitting a form, use report-validity!.



Utilities for a more customized display of form validity.

Note: the basic validity of input fields can be defined with the
`:invalid` and `:validate` attribtues
of [[reacl-c-basics.forms.core/input]] etc.

Note: the validation message for native validations (`:pattern`,
`:required` etc) can be modified by using `setCustomValidity` in
`:onInvalid` events depending on the `validity` property.

For visual styling there are the `:required` and `:options` CSS
pseudo-classes, as well as `:valid` and `:invalid`.

For showing validation problems differently than the browser does by
default, use [[with-validity]] and the derived
utils [[form-with-validity]] or [[append-validity]].

To trigger the display of validation problems before submitting a
form, use [[report-validity!]].

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