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Bot Configuration

Below you'll find information about how to perform the basic setup and configuration of discord.clj so that you can start interacting with it on your servers!

The core namespace in discord.clj contains all of the basic code that you need in order to get the Discord bot running:

(ns discord.core
  (:require [ :as bot])

(defn -main
  "Starts a Discord bot."
  [& args]

Beyond this simple code snippet, you'll also need to add a settings.json file to the data/settings directory. A template of that file is available:

    "token" : "Your Auth Token",
    "prefix" : "!",
    "bot-name" : "CoolDiscordBot",
    "extension-folders" : [
Configuration FieldDescription
tokenThis is the token for the bot you have created in the Discord developer portal †.
prefixThe string that will cause the bot to check trigger commands and extensions.
bot-nameThe name of the bot.
extension-foldersThe folders from which the bot will load Clojure files searching for extensions.

The Discord Developer Portal.

Once you have started the bot and added it to your server, you're ready to begin creating your own commands extensions!

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