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While bots make the moderation of Discord servers easier and allow for easy access to otherwise cumbersome server maintenance tasks, they also present a problem. To prevent your server from slipping into chaos, you need to be able to check the it's necessary to check the permissions of users invoking the commands. Doing this manually would be cumbersome and annoying, so discord.clj allows you to take a particular command or extension with permission requirements:

(ns cool-extension
  (:requires [ :as bot]
             [discord.http :as http]
             [discord.types :as types]
             [discord.permissions :as perm])

(bot/defextension voice [client message]
  "Commands for common server adminstrative tasks."
    "Returns the current voice region for the guild."
    (let [guild-id      (get-in message [:channel :guild-id])
          guild         (http/get-guild client guild-id)
          voice-region  (-> guild :region name)]
      (bot/say (format "The guild's voice region is currently \"%s\"" voice-region))))

    "Lists all supported voice regions."
    (bot/say (format "Supported voice regions: %s" (s/join ", " (keys types/server-region)))))

    "Moves the voice region for the guild to a new location."
    {:requires [perm/MANAGE-GUILD]}
    (let [desired-region (->> message :content utils/words rest (s/join " "))
          guild-id (get-in message [:channel :guild-id])]
      (if-let [region-keyword (get types/server-region desired-region)]
          (bot/say (format "Moving voice server to \"%s\"" desired-region))
          (http/modify-server client guild-id :region desired-region))
        (bot/say (format "The region \"%s\" does not exist."))))))

Someone who isn't authorized to actually move the server's voice region (which requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission) would be able to list the available regions and check the current voice region, but would be unable to tell the bot to move the region.

Permission Failure

Compare that to someone who does have the necessary permissions:

Permission Success

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