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Tufte Setup Guide

If you are a ptaoussanis/tufte user, this guide will help you get profiling data into Portal.

Screenshot 2023-07-25 at 8 13 10 PM

The main advantages of using Portal are that your profiling data is always available as data and the :loc data can be used to jump directly to the source location using the goto-definition command.


To get started, you need the following namespaces:

(ns user
  (:require [portal.api :as p]
            [taoensso.tufte :as tufte :refer (p profiled profile)]))

Next, you need to map tufte pstats data to something that can be used by the Portal table viewer. Below is one such mapping:

(def columns
  (-> [:min :p25 :p50 :p75 :p90 :p95 :p99 :max :mean :mad :sum]
      (zipmap (repeat :portal.viewer/duration-ns))
      (assoc :loc :portal.viewer/source-location)))

(defn format-data [stats]
  (-> stats
      (update-in [:loc :ns] symbol)
      (vary-meta update :portal.viewer/for merge columns)))

(defn format-pstats [pstats]
  (-> @pstats
      (update-vals format-data)
        {:portal.viewer/default :portal.viewer/table
         {:columns [:n :min #_:p25 #_:p50 #_:p75 #_:p90 #_:p95 #_:p99 :max :mean #_:mad :sum :loc]}})))

With the above mapping, you can plug into tufte via its handler mechanism:

(defn add-tap-handler!
  "Adds a simple handler that logs `profile` stats output with `tap>`."
  [{:keys [ns-pattern handler-id]
    :or   {ns-pattern "*"
           handler-id :basic-tap}}]
   handler-id ns-pattern
   (fn [{:keys [?id ?data pstats]}]
     (tap> (vary-meta
            (format-pstats pstats)
            (cond-> {}
              ?id   (assoc :id ?id)
              ?data (assoc :data ?data)))))))

10-second example

Borrowing from the 10 second example in the tufte docs, we have the equivalent:

;; Open the Portal UI to see the output:
(require '[portal.api :refer (open submit)])
(add-tap submit)

(require '[taoensso.tufte :as tufte :refer (defnp p profiled profile)])

;; We'll request to send `profile` stats to `tap>`:
(add-tap-handler! {})

;;; Let's define a couple dummy fns to simulate doing some expensive work
(defn get-x [] (Thread/sleep 500)             "x val")
(defn get-y [] (Thread/sleep (rand-int 1000)) "y val")

;; How do these fns perform? Let's check:

(profile ; Profile any `p` forms called during body execution
  {} ; Profiling options; we'll use the defaults for now
  (dotimes [_ 5]
    (p :get-x (get-x))
    (p :get-y (get-y))))


goto-definition will only work if taoensso.tufte/p calls are eval'd via a repl that properly provide file/line/column info. This includes nrepl or using load-file to load your code.

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