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Remote API

If running the Portal runtime in process is not supported or not desired, values can be sent over the wire to a remote instance.

The following clients are currently implemented:

  • portal.client.jvm
  • portal.client.node
  • portal.client.web
    • cljs running in the browser
  • portal.client.planck


In the process hosting the remote api, do:

(require '[portal.api :as p])
(p/open {:port 5678})

In the client process, do:

(require '[portal.client.jvm :as p])
;; (require '[portal.client.node :as p])
;; (require '[portal.client.web :as p])

(def submit (partial p/submit {:port 5678})) ;; :encoding :edn is the default
;; (def submit (partial p/submit {:port 5678 :encoding :json}))
;; (def submit (partial p/submit {:port 5678 :encoding :transit}))

(add-tap #'submit)


tap>'d values must be serializable as edn, transit or json.


Platform specific tips.


Since Planck can load libraries from a jar, you can use the clj tool to generate the class path and pass it in via the --classpath cli argument.

To start a Planck with Portal REPL, do:

clj -Spath -Sdeps '{:deps {djblue/portal {:mvn/version "LATEST"}}}' > .classpath
planck -c `cat .classpath`

Then at the REPL, do:

(require '[portal.client.planck :as p])
(def submit (partial p/submit {:port 5678}))
(add-tap #'submit)
(tap> :hello-from-planck)

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