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If you are an emacs + cider user and would like tighter integration with portal, the following section may be of interest to you.

;; Leverage an existing cider nrepl connection to evaluate portal.api functions
;; and map them to convenient key bindings.

;; def portal to the dev namespace to allow dereferencing via @dev/portal
(defun portal.api/open ()
    "(do (ns dev) (def portal ((requiring-resolve 'portal.api/open))) (add-tap (requiring-resolve 'portal.api/submit)))"))

(defun portal.api/clear ()
  (cider-nrepl-sync-request:eval "(portal.api/clear)"))

(defun portal.api/close ()
  (cider-nrepl-sync-request:eval "(portal.api/close)"))

;; Example key mappings for doom emacs
(map! :map clojure-mode-map
      ;; cmd  + o
      :n "s-o" #'portal.api/open
      ;; ctrl + l
      :n "C-l" #'portal.api/clear)

;; NOTE: You do need to have portal on the class path and the easiest way I know
;; how is via a clj user or project alias.
(setq cider-clojure-cli-aliases ":portal")

xwidget-webkit embed

Screen Shot 2022-10-15 at 2 45 29 PM

If you would like to run the Portal UI in emacs itself, you can do so with the following code.


You need a build of emacs with Embedded-WebKit-Widgets Also, this method only works if you're using emacs server functionality as it relies on emacsclient command

(portal.api/open {:launcher :emacs})


I haven't tested this extensively so you might run into some weird issues

Monroe & xwidget-webkit

For Monroe nREPL client users.

The code

Add the following to your Emacs config:

; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; The line above is really important, otherwise things will not work.

;; A little helper to simplify communication between Emacs and the nREPL process
(defun monroe-eval-code-and-callback-with-value (code-str on-value)
   (lambda (response)
     (condition-case err
         (monroe-dbind-response response
                                (value status id)
                                (when value (funcall on-value value))
                                (when (member "done" status)
                                  (remhash id monroe-requests)))
       (error (message "Eval error %s" err))))))

(defun monroe-launch-portal ()
     (require 'portal.api)
     (let [url (portal.api/url (portal.api/open {:launcher false}))]
       (add-tap #'portal.api/submit)
   (lambda (value)
     ;; value is a raw string, so we need to remove " from it
     (let ((url (string-replace "\"" "" value)))
       (message "Opening portal %s" url)
       (xwidget-webkit-browse-url url)))))


Then in the Monroe REPL or Clojure buffer with an active Monroe session run M-x monroe-launch-portal.


This is just a jump-off point, you might want to customize this function to your liking, e.g. run the code in your user namespace, set a different theme and so on. See CIDER section for how you can extend it further.

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Chris Badahdah, Łukasz Korecki, John Practicalli & Mark Schmele
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